Sunday, July 30, 2006
Hello everybody!! Medic Free speaking.
TIPS FOR REPORTING SICK FOR FEVER FOR NS MEN AND BRIEFING ON JABSI can't help but laughing at Sherman's tragedy at the sick bay. 39.1°C is really quite high temperature so you can't avoid the drips. Based on experience...
37.5°C to 37.8°C - fever but no Att C
37.8°C - 38.8°C - fever with Att C (around 2 days)
>39.5°C - going to peng san and maybe ambulance will come?
So Sherman very poor thing la in other words. The medics have no choice but to jab you and lower your temperature. For those who doesn't know what's the jab I shall educate all of you :)
Intravenous - injecting saline fluid into your veins to increase your blood volume and also to cool down
Potential hazards
Pain (because medics have no experience and they have to topok, twist and turn of the needles may hurt, or even the needles may kink as the needles are bent after forceful knockings to the vein valves. Vein valves may be injured after the pokings)
Haemotoma (also known as blue black because of the needle poking through the vein and causing blood leakage to surrounding tissues),
Intradermal (causing your skin to swell up due to the saline fluid entering the tissue instead of the veins, with the skin a bit bloated and feeling cool but not painful)
WORST OF ALL : Air Embolism (air bubbles in your injection line, causing air to enter the veins, killing the patient when the bubbles are trapped in your heart valves or even the brain blood passages - you don't know and you can just die there. A bubble as big as 5 cent coin will kill)
So please don't get fever and drink sufficient water because your body needs it.
And if you every chao keng (fake) for fever or anything, the MO most likely knows it and he will ask his medics to poke you over and over again, purposely missing the vein so that you feel EXTREME PAIN!! My buddy told me that he and his friends poked this chao keng guy for EIGHT times to let him learn his lesson. So you all better watch out :)
But Sherman I think he's unlucky la. Most of the unskilled people are not in your camp I think. I have seen far worse. And is Sherman's veins so hard to find??? ;) We medics only have 10 jabbing sessions and I think we are not very pro also....just look at the number of poke marks I STILL have on my 2 arms (sad)...
Anyway beach outing soon :)
- Free
rmb to sign off! sang at 12:34 PM
Saturday, July 29, 2006
hey everyone. kian here. smu sounds real fun, guess we guys are waiting to hear more from you girls.. after all, our final decision might be largely affected by what you tell us. so keep it coming. its so much more interesting than reading ns experiences, i'm sure u all would agree.. *3! choruses an agreement* and yes, how about the other unis? i'm sure not all pretty girls flock to smu.. surely there's some left in the other unis? bottom line, think it'll be great to hear about the other unis too.
hope kx and sherms feeling better already, jy all the best for your comp, sy good luck with your camp, feli hope your uni experience will get better, i'm sure it will, hope yimin's taking good care of himself in taiwan, eugene just suck thumb la ya? lj cheers to u once again for making all of this possible, and hope the rest is enjoying wad they're doing. for the guys ord's just around the corner, it'll come soon enough..
rmb to sign off! sang at 11:06 PM
jiayan says:
hey pplE, actually most prob i wont be able to make it for beach next sat cos i'll be having training the afternoon. sighs! the womens open com will start on the coming thur n my team is kinda cannot make it. hahas so the most i muz go down for trgn to hopefully struggle through round 1 (v slim chance actually) yups. n becos its open com, i've to play against my nanyang vball coach who's an ex national player n her team comprises of v v v qiang ppl! hahahs yups most prob trgn shd end at abt 6+ or 7. den i go down n join u ppl for dinner yA? hee if trgn is cancelled, haha den i'll go beach w u all k? really v sorry. anyway, jus to inform u ppl, sunset bay has shifted to palawan beach. n i tink they took all the nets n courts with them. but i haven been to the beach ever since they shifted, so i dont really know hows the situation. yups so just be mentally prepared =) probably one of u (most prob kian shiyun or xx) can jus bring a volleyball down jus in case u all cant borrow ball or something k?
yawns my fellow counterparts (feli n sy) are so enthu abt the CIP thingy. hahahs slacker jy has yet to sign up for any CIP at all. i'll try to search for some overseas CIP thingy i guess. hee shd be quite fun n meaningful. sy, actually i heard that those CIP camps that u r going r quite slack n relax. haha i guess it shd be like CURL!! hahahs can jus play cards n chit chat while gaining CIP hours. yups good if u wanna clear the hours but not v meaningful. hee i heard this frm a smu fren i got to know. hee not sure if it apply to ur camp. hee but do enjoy urself!
hees i bet the guys r all v envious that we girls can start sch soon!! hahas the sports camp i went to was quite fun too! but i guess its not so happening cos its all abt sports! hahahs the 1st day we had amazing race n one of the stations was the big big DHL hotair balloon behind bugis junction. have u all seen it be4? it'll rise to a height of 150m =)v cool! n we got to go up there with our group! -grins- its actually $23 per person but we got to go up there for free =) goodie!
anyway i dont really know if i'll join back vb when i go smu. hees maybe i shall try out new stuff! maybe i can join ultimate freebis! or maybe some slacker clubs.hhahas will update u ppl!!
sherman r u feeling better alr? hee do take goood care!!sighs!v long since i last meet u all.hahaha i hope trgn will be cancelled so i can go beach! hahahs but v slim chance thou =(
wah even feli n kaixian have decided to blog.hee so exciting!! yay! kets persevere n jiayou!! happy!
rmb to sign off! sang at 6:35 PM
Friday, July 28, 2006
hey everyone... im shiyuN! tis is my first time blogging i tink! so how's everyone?? haha.. ok anw...for me i have stopped working to prepare for school...till now i tink SMU is really great! feli... is CIP camp tt bad? im going for one nx week... uh oh i got a bad feeling... hope it won't be as bad!
well... my first camp is the SMUX camp and im really really impressed bout everything... juz to introduce to everyone... SMUX= SMU eXtremist club. im not a very 'campy' person too... but i truely enjoyed the camp! we did trekking, cycling, kayaking, skating, scuba diving etc... everything under the sun and the moon! :-D
Oh! the food and prizes they give are like really good too... making the $40 i paid for the camp so worthwhile... the cost of activities is already over the amount we paid... and all the meal tasted nice, including a Subway sandwich for lunch(highlighting to JY and eileen) ! oh my group won a pizza for supper in the treasure hunt! haha! furthermore... everyone got a nice shoebag at the end of the camp... for those groups who got best cheer, best spirit etc... got prizes like nalgene bottles each... sadly my group din win anything! wat i can say is tt they are really good at finding sponsors! :-(
most probably im going to join SMUX coz they also organise sky diving and scuba diving trips! i strongly recommend this to my fellow smu mates: feli, leen and jy... and also to those guys who decide to come SMU after 2 years! SMU got interesting CCAs i must say... quite excited bout school now! tt's a good sign! :-D
oh... hope there wun be any change to the beach outing anymore! so will be seeing u all soon! yeah! :-D
p/s: eugene, i feel really sorry for U! :-P
rmb to sign off! sang at 11:52 PM
Yo guys!
Whoa a bit stunned by the sudden enthusiastic response to this revived blog... To think that it was so dead and quiet when we were still in school.. Well i guess being seperated actually creates more opportunities for interaction as each of us have different experiences to share!
So there i was being rostered to do sentry duty this afternoon. Basically sit at the pass office of my camp, looking bored and exchanging passes for the incoming visitors. And guess who i saw... none other than our SAF scholar 2LT (2nd Lieutenant) CHONG SHI HAO. Yup he was going to the Mindef Scholarship Centre for some dialogue session for all the scholarship holders with the CDF (Chief of Defence Force, basically the big boss of SAF).. Also saw LTA (or was he CPT... forgot) Mikail Kalimuddin and changed pass for him =D. But too bad no time to talk to Shi Hao la. Ppl commissioned as officer got crabstick already...
(crabstick: rank for 2LT (one stick), LTA (2 sticks) & CPT (3 sticks). As compared with crabs: rank for MAJ (one crab), LTC (2 crabs) & COL (3 crabs)).
My upperstudy going to ORD real soon and going to start his university too... Same as all our girls down here... Good luck people!
kaiguan sang at 11:34 PM
I CANNOT GO TO BEACH ON NEXT SATURDAY! DAMN i have to book in for basic main range..ok apart from that i really dunno what to say. just hope that u guys have fun on beach.. while i will be in camp sorting out the stores :( actually maybe i can go provided that i book in on saturday night. but if it's on sat afternoon that i will really sulk for the whole day.
(oh sheesh i have never become that whiny before)
eugene sang at 11:24 PM
Hiya guys! This is feli btw, juz in case i forget to sign off with my name at e bottom later... ya i'm prompted by whoever it was who posted before me... ya n who r u anw? u made the jab sound so scary man... n whoever u r, pls take care so tt we all get to see u in one piece e nxt time we meet ya? haha ya n juz like e rest of e gals, i'm now preparing for uni le... i'm not exactly a 'campy' person as u all noe... but for fear of having no frens, i still signed up for biz camp.. ya n i went for this scam beach party cip thing ( ya some of u have heard me rant abt it for like dunno how long.. so pardon me..).. cos i stupidly thot we're supposed to clear 80hrs of cip each yr... only to find out tt actually we can spread it out over 4yrs... o wells, anw it was horrible cos i realised ppl out there can be so diff frm us!! can u believe there r ppl who dunno wat bridge is when we're like playing it in school every single day? ya if u dun, now i'm telling u.. there r such ppl...haha i guess my smu experience didnt start off extremely well... but hope it becomes better!! (otherwise i'm really gonna die...) kk till then,Feliciap/s: anw jy was right... smu REALLY has alot of pretty gals... haha so gd for e guys who r coming in 2 yrs later... (=
rmb to sign off! sang at 10:58 PM
39.1 degrees to be exact..went to report sick and medical officer(MO) said i had to go on drip:( apparently my vein is kinda slippery and tends to those medics a hard time to inject my vein..
jab no. 1: MISS! the needle went into my flesh, twist and turn a little but miss the vein:(
jab no.2: SPOT-ON..aft more twisting and turning, the needle hit the vein..everything was set up nicely but then, the liquid wasnt flowing into my vein and they realised the needle was kinked(technical term), looked exactly like the kinked demand curve(jeff should know) REDO..
jab no.3: HIT!..but needle was kinked again..reason due to my slippery vein and they had to twist and turn the needle to hit it..
jab no.4: those boys gave comes the MO..he drew 2 straight lines on my arm indicating the direction whereby the needle should enter my arm and wanted his medic to try again under his supervision..half-way through the MO took over since his medic was juz about to cock up..finally the MO managed to hit my vein without much trouble..
so 1st time experience of a drip..4 jabs:D..JEFF TRAIN HARD PLS..aft my time at sickbay, got 2 days att c and went home..
with lots of love from the sperman,
(note: since he forgot to write his name, i decided to help him do it)
rmb to sign off! sang at 5:56 PM
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Hi guys this is Liang Jian, here's an update about the upcoming beach outing. Due to unforeseen but not really unexpected army related problems, the date of the outing has been postponed from this saturday (29th July) to next saturday (5th August). Just a friendly reminder to those who said they weren't free this sat: since the date's been changed, i'll fry your ass if you can't make it for the next one :D
Oh and tentatively we'll meet at the usual place at 11. Note to William: You get to report at 1015HRS since you're always ... chronologically challenged.
I'd like to keep with the trend of blogging about my army experience, but there's really not much to talk about other than the significant number of off days i get :D (which i'm sure you guys don't wanna hear about). Guess i'll just post again when something interesting crops up. Till then, here's something i found ...
"Those hardtack biscuits that we get, they do taste nice, except that I need to use up a lot of 'jaw power' to munch them. So, I experimented with them, opening the biscuit packets and pouring water to the biscuits. Then I squashed the biscuits to get a soft mixture. When I ate them, guess what, they tasted like chocolate cake!"- CPL (NS) Edwin Tan Yew Ming.
Don't we all love field rations?
rmb to sign off! sang at 12:58 PM
Hi:) I'm sure alot of eyes are popping now. When does Kaixian ever blogs?? Maybe I'm trying to be more normal. Actually I wanted to write something. After all I haven't attended any gatherings since jan.
oh, about the senior-junior class gathering, there will not be one anytime soon. kuixi smsed me to say the response to the beach outing this sat, from the senior class, is so-so. some find it wierd to go so I don't think the seniors will go.
As many of you will know I didn't work. No, I'm not slacking (I prefer to say that I am relaxing:)). I'm helping out with the housework, enjoying myself, eating and reading. Thank goodness I haven't gained any weight. I actually lost weight. Probably because I am kind of exercising every day (I have no excuse not to). Skipping, to be exact. For some reason or another, my mom actually thinks that if I skip now, there is a shimmer of hope that I will grow taller, so I'm skipping to stop her from nagging at me, not that I think it works. If any of you are thinking of getting a book, do pick up books by Jodi Picoult. She is a brilliant writer and the topics she chooses are rather unconventional but thought-provoking.
The only exciting event so far is the health scare I had in April/May. Some of you will know that I had a surgery in early may to remove this lump in my breast. Thank goodness it is benign:) To all the girls, do do remember to do self-examination. My gynae says that males can get breast cancer too, so do go for regular check-ups:)
The days before and after the operation was ironically, one of the happiest moments in my life. many people often think that happiness is dependent on external factors, but it isn't. What I discovered through this scare was that happiness caused by external factors is temporary and impermanent; only happiness caused by internal factors like attitude towards life is permanent and true happiness. Some times, I think life is fair. Nobody can ever have everything he/she wants. If you have A you will not have B or only part of it. So just appreciate what you have and don't lament about what you haven't.
I really apologise for making this so philosophical but I wanted to share with everybody this experience. To 3!, I really apologise for only informing all of you after the surgery but i wasn't in the mood to talk about it.
For the girls, uni is starting soon and for the guys, training continues. Do take care:) Hope to see everyone soon!
"Dreams are never destroyed by circumstances, dreams are born in the heart and mind and only there can they ever die"kaixian
rmb to sign off! sang at 12:27 PM
Monday, July 24, 2006
muachahahah! gueSs who!?!? its the "chong ming ling li huo po ke ai tian zhen shang jie ren yi ren jian ren ai mei li de jia yan" !!! =) hee
anyway!! im back from smu sports camp! n i become more chao da =( rather saddening! during the last day of the camp, the camp organizers showed us a presentation with video n photos of the camp n it reminds me of our class! saD! n i miss u ppl alot!
i signed up for 4 camps in smu! hahas so i'll be MIA for quite a while ya? hahaS if u ppl r going beach next sat i wont be able to make it k? v sorrY!! anyway most of u book in on monday morning or sun nite? if possible, can go beach on sun insteaD? hee cos i got trgn on saturdays.
[the next para is speciallyy delicated to 3! hahahas so guys pls dun be kaypo! ]
hey girls!! v sorry that i missed the meet up last tuesday cos i was sick =( had seafood feast with my family on monday night n i had itchy rash all over when i woke up on tue so i had to take c doc n stay at home. sighs!!i guess all of us r busy w camps over the next few weeks. take care n hope to c u ppl sooN!!miss u girls!
[the next paragraph is delicated to the guys..hee so girls u can happily skip it =) n guys!! open ur eyes n read it!! hahas]
i concluded that smu has more pretTy n yoyo babeS (not including me of cos hahas) than hunky good looking guys lo! hahahs so if u all are keen on finding a pretty n funky babe as girlfriend or many babes as girlfrensSss, SMU is the place to go!! hahaS then feli, leen, shiyun n i will be ur senioRs. hees den we get to torture u ppl during all the freshmen camps. hahahas!
anyway i haven heard anything from ppl like olivia, yi qi, lynette ever since we left sch. how r they? update me ba!!
hees i suppose this post is long enough to entertain u ppl! hahas i'll try to blog n tag often so u ppl wont miss me too much!!
hugs, jy
rmb to sign off! sang at 9:55 AM
haha. i think i shld write a post here too.
i want to go beach! but whether i can ornot depends on whether my staffs allow me to leave.. yups life in armour infantry isnt that nice. every bookout day is so uncertain cus the instructors are so SWIFT AND DECISIVE in giving extras and confinementes. speaking of beach.. lj can u help in providing the details.. like when to meet and so on? and is there still going to be this combined dinner with the senior class or something?
ok so i digressed. as i was saying i am in armour infantry. basically it's a combi of both armour and infantry.. which means i still cheongsua -sians- nothing much happening for me leh. just that i am a qualified driver for my armoured vehicle.. lol.
regarding to william and sherman's posts.. i'll try to remedy it ASAP. i dun really have much time now cus i just woke up and yes it's 6.50pm! haha cus i finished my 24 hr guard duty today.. very tiring lah! reached home at 10+, ate breakfast and slept till now. my day is gone.. :( yup.. i will try to remedy it during the next bookout.. provided that i can bookout.
yup that's all.. hope to see you guys soon!
eugene sang at 9:43 AM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Hello class blog!! This is free blogging :) These few days have been quite busy with my own blog la so didn't come here to visit...but realise this place is so flooded with messages!!! O_O
Hope to go to the beach with you guys but I think I'm confined next Sat...sigh. It's a very long week for me (don't know how many MOPP Conditioning I have to do). Hope this week got a lot of rain then cancel the training...Otherwise I will faint inside the mask and get heat stroke in the hot suit...Life has been quite good if not for the mask and the suit.
Booking in so soon!! The week is over...Nooo......
rmb to sign off! sang at 10:25 PM
Hi guys! paiseh i AWOL (absent without offical leave) for quite a while from this blog due to my slackiness..but i shall do my part to revive this blog..regarding the beach outing, count me in! (so long as i dont get confined) far more than half my course tio confinement liao..anyways, what am i doing in army!? i am a bridging engineer but dont be mistaken, i dont really build far i haf juz completed my boat package which is learning how to operate an assault boat!! cool right?..assault boat is fun stuff but the boats and motors are really heavy..aft this i will learning about this vehicle called the can be driven on land as well as being partially submerged in water..the purpose? its sides can open up to create a platform for other vehicles to drive on it, so as to cross the river..many of these comets can combine to create a longer platform depending on the width of the get the idea now?..but now i am still a trainee so i dont know much about this comet yeps, thats about it..
rmb to sign off! sang at 4:35 PM
yoyoyo! i'm here to blog! how does one blog? just go online find a space and type wadever they want to right? guess that's just wad i'll do. beach outing! goodie. growing fat. could use some exercise. ok for those who wanna know wad im doing now in ns.. i'm in air force, training to be a weapons system officer (unmanned aerial vehicle). in plain english, i'm in charge or something like a remote controlled toy plane in the air that spies on other people and makes a hell lot of noise. other descriptions: lawn-mower in the air, flying-coffin. additional info: classified. still holding on to some hope of being pilot, hopefully after i commission. hey anybody need any help organising anything just send me a msg. this is a very good thing, keep it up guys. cheers to lj!
rmb to sign off! sang at 12:05 AM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Yup yup thanks to persistant requests i'm here to write something.. Hi guys long time no see.. Uni term shld be starting for the girls anytime soon and the guys should be in all sorts of units by now.. Hope everybody's doing fine
Hmm seems there are at least two other people posted to PLAB eh? So near my house yet i dont get to go.. sighs
For those interested i'm right now working at CPC PMC, Depot Rd... You may think a 8-5.30 job is shiok.. but my boss (he's a 1WO) always got lots of things for us to do one.. Other ppl can start to pack up by 5.15 but me and my DXO always have to slog till 6++pm, sometimes even 8 or 9pm.. sian.. and all this OT got no OT pay one loh.. haiz
As for the beach outing on 29th.. can't commit right now.. see how ba.
Take care guys
kaiguan sang at 12:17 AM
Friday, July 21, 2006
hey guys, i m posting here cos lj is on my ass for the past few daes in getting me to sae something. ha. can we pls pls go km8 when we are at the beach? it's really cool with its scenery and ambience. something to relac after a relaxing week in air force. ha. and i tink soon heng is stalking me. i see him everydae on the bus. lol~ there. i saed my bit. happy now lj?
rmb to sign off! sang at 10:07 PM
yep yep will try not to break finger or have insects stuck in gonna slp with earplugs!!haha
too bad i cant go to the beach..dun be too sad guys..there's always another time when u all wonderful ppl will be able to enjoy my company.try to have fun at the beach nonetheless and try not to miss me..bring tissue if u need.
will get in contact when i get back..till then, =)
rmb to sign off! sang at 7:57 AM
Thursday, July 20, 2006
yup..ok thanks for the coordination :)
kx is quite persistent on having a snr-jnr gathering (bcos of shihao) so maybe if we manage to org one, she may turn up in the end!
oh and i think this is a weekly blog la... if we see posts every week, i'll really think that is an improvement le..postive sign of reviving the blog! =D
for now let people like us who are free do the talking to keep it alive
rmb to sign off! sang at 3:46 PM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
ohh. i talked to kx abt it yesterday. she said she has given details to kuixi who'll inform the senior class about it.
hmmm. but honestly i dont mind just having a 04 gathering (: just our class. haha. (:
everyone else, do try to convince kX to go!! sherman!! your job!!
hMm. and i have feeling no one reads this blog except the same few. -yawns-
but anyway. im at chs noww. marking chemistry test papers! faints. i still do not like chem. yucks! hahaha. yesterday i brought sy kx and xx up to my table and they had a little tour in the chs staffroom! lol.
enough nonsense!! back to workK! ):
and who's kind enough to put up a list of who's going for beach on 29th. on the girls' side its sy xx and me. and possibly kx (if
sherman or anyone else can convince her, that will be wonderful!)
PY! sang at 12:46 PM
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
py and lj,
since u 2 are organsing the beach rite?? can either of u ask kx abt the snr-jnr gathering?? she's trying to organise might as well we can combine it the trouble and the beach will be quite a decent gathering place...thanks :)
rmb to sign off! sang at 4:11 PM
Monday, July 17, 2006

photos to spice up the blog.
see you guys on 29th!! (: beach outing!!
PY! sang at 8:16 PM
Sunday, July 16, 2006
I think the password is a bit hard to type and hard to remember. I almost forgot how to spell.
The blog is growing - now with 5 posts!!
And update the links to all the 04s64 peeps who are blogging - a lot who used to have diary-x blogs....
Looking forward to beaching!!!!
rmb to sign off! sang at 7:58 PM
relac.. slowly slowly. after i start to publicise the blog i hope that there will be pple blogging again.
anyway yimin.. all the best for ROC! im going there at sept.. i hope i will be back in 1 piece lah. heard that sept's the typhoon season -gulps-
if im not wrong beach's on 29th july. more details will be posted by our dearest pte liangjian.. hope everyone can make it!
eugene sang at 5:13 PM
woah cool nice blog.but now come no one's using it.beach is fun but its kinda hard to find a day where everyone can make looks like some ppl gotta be sacrificed..
anyway pray for my safety.i'll try to come back from RoC in one piece.but too bad no gifts for everyone..
is anyone even reading tis?im talking to myself..lalala
rmb to sign off! sang at 12:03 PM