Saturday, August 26, 2006
hey ppl!!!
anyone interested in running Standard Chartered Marathon on 3rd Dec??? i'm trying to sell mine
the catogory is MEN's 10 km. mine is a discouted rate, should be only $20plus to $30. (actual rate is $35 if not wrong). i think 3! is running so dun worry abt no companions =)
(maybe eugene u can but since u're running AHM!) i dun mind selling cheaper anyway. juz tag if interested =)
and the next thing is who is interested in running Standard Chartered FULLMarathon???!!!! its also on the same day. i will most likely be running tt wif my regulars in my units. =D
ppl running AHM tml and py going for national, JIAYOU and TC!!!
soon heng
rmb to sign off! sang at 9:30 PM
yup yup im blogging now... congrats to yihui yimin and ahgong for getting their sergeant rank these 2 weeks while im still a corporal. haha.. looking at the past entries i would say that uni life is fun and flexible.. cant wait to say "ORD LOH!" and cheong to NUS in 2008!
and all the best for xx for her beauty pageant! and py jiayou for your nationals!
just wondering. who is actually running AHM tmr? i only know of guys in our class who are not running: kg, jeff, sherman, william, oon, soon and kian. sian leh 10km.. i feel so lazy now and my butt feels so heavy that i dont even feel like getting away from my seat to do some exercise lah! lol..
just a short entry. whoever's going for AHM go tag! so that i can try to look out for you tmr during the 10km run..
eugene sang at 8:02 PM
ehh guys. blog, dont tag!!
i've been wanting to post but for some reason my com kept hanging after i typed a long long entry. ): anyway im using my notebook now!! (: just got it yesterday! it looks rather pretty.! heh.
anyway enjoy the half marathon thing. hahaa. (:
ohh. on a side note my nationals are tmr!! ): so scaredddd. if i dont lose a nose or a leg (or 2 legs) i'll tell you all about it! (:
PY! sang at 11:00 AM
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

hello!! im shiyun! now in the SMU library! haha busy mugging! believe me??? actually im not... juz hav to kill time coz my last lesson end at 12 and the nx starts at 5! hmmms... anw ytd was quite fun... haha... hope XX liked the SuRpRiSE! rmb send us the pics! oh here is JY and MY timetable (combined) we drew it as we were quite bored slacking at NUS ytd... haha... so u all noe when to ask us out ok!? py will settle the dae we goin to meet to go do my stuff now... haha... have a great dae everyone! :-D
rmb to sign off! sang at 2:34 PM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Just came back from NUS after CO practice. I miss CO practices at Hwa Chong - so slack, and no instructors. And I don't really like the NUS CO conductor. I prefer HCCO's conductor. Besides that, I kind of enjoyed practice today.
We (Py, SY, JY and I) gave XX a surprise birthday celebration today. I was so afraid that I will say sth that I shouldn't when XX called me. Anyway, it was fun having the girls at nus. Especially since we haven't met up for some time.
The info below is only for people from 3!:
My timetable:
Even week: Monday: End at 1 pm
Tuesday: End at 12 noon, but have co practice
Wednesday: FREE!!!
Thursday: End at 2 pm, assuming no seminars
Friday: End at 6 pm, with a 2 hr break from 12 -2,
not free at night
Odd week: Monday: End at 4 pm
Tuesday: End at 12 noon, but have co practice
Wednesday: FREE!!!
Thursday: End at 2 pm, assuming no seminars
Friday: End at 6 pm, with a 2 hr break from 2 - 4
not free at night
Just arrange the day and tell me. No particular day in mind. But I think it's going to be hard especially since the time before and after my birthday I have to submit a few papers:(
Take care, everyone!!
rmb to sign off! sang at 11:53 PM

hello everybody except py n sy!! cos they r beside me now!!! haha n we are in nus now!! hohohohoho!! stealing nus' network! haha foc okiE!!
anyway 1st of all we (sy n jy) wanna complain!! smu is like in town lo..yet we r here!!in this ulu part of singapore!! wat rubbish. hee we shd make all class outing in town n the future except for beach.
yeps sy ask whens the next beach outing.. hee we wanna go beach!! u guys settle liao update us ya? we are busy with sch n the guys the sch!! hahah joking
anyway smu is rather slack.. one module is only 3hr per week. hee so i only have 12hrs of sch cos im taking 4 mods. hahahs i got 4 day week w 3 hrs of sch only. yeaps but i guess sch will be more hectic when the projects start. every mod also got project =( sighs!!
byes!! please miss us!! anyway above is the pic we took are nus!! munchie monkey cafe. hahas sounds so hip.
-jiaYan, shiYun, peiYin ( aka the 3 Ys!!)
rmb to sign off! sang at 4:11 PM
Sunday, August 20, 2006

hey guys! i was surfing the net after i book out from camp. guess what i found! check out the photo and search for a familiar face!
hearing from the girls, uni sounds fun!! i cant wait to ORD. can join pageant somemore. cool stuff. can check out the babes.
going to book in soon. sian. live firing tomorrow.
rmb to sign off! sang at 4:26 PM
hey, kian here. ha, that looks like our book in/ book out attire affectionately known to us as penguin. anw, just got a call from airforce recruitment two days back, my pilot interview's next friday. rather excited. since i have cleared my medical and computer tests, that would be the last stage of the selection process, meaning after the interview, if i do pass it, i'll be crossing over as a pilot trainee. hopefully that happens after i commission in dec. just sharing the good news, meanwhile life still goes on. hope everyone's doing great.
Happy belated brithday to ys and xx!
rmb to sign off! sang at 2:50 PM

hellos... shiyun here! representing the smu girls! we are starting school nx week! a bit excited! yay... tink my timetable is considered not bad! at least i have a long wk end... only hav to go sch from tues to thurs... but wonder how it will turn out after we start bidding for more courses!
anw we had our convocation ytd... everyone has to dress in white long-sleeved blouse and black knee-lengthed skirt! tt's me, peixian and jy in volleyball pose! (see pic) din see eileen tt dae! dun really noe wats happening... and i left halfway! jy can talk more about it! :-D
***********Heys... happy belated birthday to XX and YS! :-) **********Update u all abt SMU when school starts! hehe... we are DIFFERENT! :-)
rmb to sign off! sang at 11:56 AM
Saturday, August 19, 2006
hey people!
end of the first week of school. the first week was a nightmare for me! rawwrrr.
i think people in law school are crazy. some mug after school in the library on the
FIRST day of school. wonderful. and they've been doing that for the past 5 days. amazing. they complete 30pages worth of readings in preparation for lectures. im seriously in shock because im starting to think those textbooks arent written in english.
school hours are pretty short for me. i have 7 lects 4 tutorials a week. and i end latest at 330. haha. i've not seen anyone in sch who has a better timetable than me. some of them start tutorials at like 7pm cos their tutors are pracitsing lawyers. pooor things!
laaadidum. im so glad its fridayy. but we have this assignment due on IVLE at 2359 today. sadness horr. they dont even spare us on weekends!!
hmm. i hardly go down to nus itself so i havnt had a chance to meet kx and xx in school. but kx and i will be popping by xx's hallrm sooon. exciting right!! (:
well guys. have fun bangbang-ing away in army. and smu girls. tell us abt sch!
PY! sang at 12:17 PM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
I just started school on Monday. It's quite exciting - especially since lessons seemed like a thing of the past. The excitement actually started last week. I
actually went for orientation. I went for USP O week. Arts' seems too happening for me. Also, because boring kx don't like to play those stupid games that are always played during orientation. Also, USP is a small group so it will be nice to know people in USP. (If you want info on fun activities, ask xx., she'll know more. There are other much more fun activities, like camps, dinner and dance,etc but unethusiastic, unsporty and boring me didn't want to take part.)
Oh, in case you are scratching your heads and wondering what on earth is USP, it stands for University Scholars Programme. It has nothing to do with scholarship. It is, you can say, quite a prestigious programme in NUS. the programme emphasises on multi-disciplinary. Also, being in the programme gives you many opportunities that other students do not have, like interact with prominent people in many industries, etc. The main aim is to equip NUS students with critical analysis skills, to challenge students, to train students to be articulate and confident, etc.
It is a really interesting programme. The modules you take in USP replaces the modules that you would otherwise take in your faculty. USP has a very good reputation, especially among potential employers. There is this senior who made use of the opportunities in USP to do research and filed for 2 patents even before he graduated!!
Anyway, back to O week, it was fun, there was plenty of good food, made quite a number of new friends. There were alot of ex-nanyang girls and ex-hwa chong students so it was like a reunion:) I also met my academic advisor, who is really funny and nice.
I think the most enjoyable event during o week was rag day. All the floats and performances were fantastic, especially the floats made by students of the various halls. There are replicas of a train, with doors that can really open, wheels that move exactly like those you see in movies. I was amazed by their craftmanship. If you haven't been to NUS rag day, go next year or sth. You will be entertained. It's a pity I didn't take any photos.
Bidding for modules was exciting. If I have heart problems, I would have had a heart attack during the process. Bidding for FASS modules was easy since I was preallocated 2 modules and I have 600 points to spare for 1 more exposure module:) Bidding for usp modules was harder because we had to compete with the seniors. I was outbidded for this module because the minimum bid was 501 when I only had 400 points in my account. Fortunately I eventually managed to get all my modules.
My timetable is quite slack - because arts tutorial hasn't started, I only have 14 hrs of lessons every week, and I have wednesdays free!! If I can manage it, I will take one extra module next sem. I had one lesson today, which ended at 12, finished my assignment and I don't have to go to school tml. Yay!!
Anyway, thanks kian - I'm feeling much better. I will feel even better after 3 Sept when I can start eating seafood like prawns!!:) Oh, and of course there are pretty girls in NUS. Alot of them actually. But honestly, what has this got to do with your choice of uni??????? Still, come to NUS. Better still, join USP. International students, exchange programmes, internships, foreign professors, friendly professors, flexibility, ability to take modules out of your faculty and major, everything you want, you can find in all Singapore uni. But to a larger extent, NUS:) The important thing is - follow your heart.
Everyone, take care!! Py - hope you are feeling much much better:)
rmb to sign off! sang at 5:11 PM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
i read the previous few entries and looks like i missed out on alot of fun..oh well..typhoons aint tat bad either..haha
hope u guys had fun..and pls 'organise' more of such stuff..its alot of fun.yep so air sick now..pls remember to travel via reliable airlines in the future..and bring extra socks!
sgt yimin =D
rmb to sign off! sang at 3:27 AM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Sianzzzzzzz.... Wanted to go for Kbox de.. but kena guard duty on Tues and wasn't able to read that post until after i reached home and had a good sleep on Wednesday morning, by which time it was wayy too late =(
kaiguan sang at 10:35 PM
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
hey all. (:
first, thanks lj for posting abt the kbox thing. everyone else, please try to come!
and i'd like to apologise for being such a terrible organiser. been rather busy lately. there's like tons of things to do for orientation, going for one acitvity after another. (most of the time i find them pretty pointless anyway.)
i hope i'll be able to turn up tmr. feeling really sick. diarrhoea and pukingg. catching a cold too i think. it really sucks cos i dont really want to fall sick right bfore school starts. bLearghh.
hope to see everyone tmr! (:
sorry if this sounds incoherent.
PY! sang at 9:46 PM
hey guys! how was beach! bet must be very fun after mr tanliangjian told me... so envious that i cant go lah.. thanks to live firing.. yup yup i had my share of fun and excitement too! live firing in armour was very fun. it was machiam some war scene liddat.. all the armoured vehicles line up one straight row facing the targets. and then we go inside and spam our bullets! and see all the explosive scene.. like the oil drums exploding and flying in the air when our bullets hit the targets. and the sound is superloud.. it felt like having 10 subwoofers around you and then they sound BOOM at the same time. how cool was that.. it was even better at night as the explosions were even more obvious in the darkness.. :D
ok enuff of me. the girls are now in uni now.. must update the guys with yr vibrant entertaining exciting and
[insert similar adjectives] uni lives ok! and yes... kbox. although i know i cant sing (i can only croak) but yea.. go for kbox!
and happy national day in advance everyone! a good day to relax oneself before we engage in our usual activities yet again.. have fun! and to soon + sushi.. ENJOY YOURSELVES!
eugene sang at 7:32 PM
Update on the Kbox outing tmr: Meet at 1:30 pm, Cine.
Btw, anyone interested in playing board games? Not the usual monopoly/game of life type, but something more interesting and unique.
Here's a description of a novel game found in settler's cafe:
"Definitely designed for groups of non-gamers (not necessarily a bad thing), Apples to Apples consists only of two decks of cards: Things and Descriptions. Each turn, the current referee selects a Description and players try to pick, from the cards in their hands, the Things that best match that Description. The referee then chooses the Thing that appeals to him most and awards the card to the player who played it. The unusual combinations of Things and Descriptions are humorous to the extreme, and will quickly have the entire room in an uproar. Once someone has won a pre-determined number of cards, he's the winner."
Sounds fun right! Or if that's just not your type, how about this for action, murder and intrigue...
"From the back of the box: "The outlaws hunt the Sheriff. The Sheriff hunts the Outlaws. The Renegade plots secretly, ready to take one side or the other. Bullets fly. Who among the gunmen is a Deputy, ready to sacrifice himself for the Sheriff? And who is a merciless Outlaw, willing to kill him? If you want to find out, just draw (your cards)!".Each player receives a random Role card among Sheriff (1x), Deputy (2x), Outlaw (3x) and Renegade (1x), which is kept secret, with the notable exception of the Sheriff-card which is immediately placed face up. The role distribution depends on the number of players. The Sheriff and up to two Deputies must kill the Renegade and all Outlaws in order to win the game. The (max 3) Outlaws must kill the Sheriff, but may earn rewards by killing each other. The lonely Renegade is simply trying to be the last one alive!" Bang! (that's the game's name btw).
If anyone's interested let me know ok? If i recall correctly it costs around $30 for a group of 4 for 2 hours, dunno about a bigger group though. There are also set meals so you can play while you eat. Hope the response is gd! Cya guys tmr :) Oh and the 3 "beautiful charming attractive cute lovely girls" too of course.
Liang Jian sang at 6:07 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Heyo peeps... Chu San & 4 June are great ideas.. but what abt MAF! That wld be another great day to get together as well! And makes for a more "regular" interval in between the gatherings too! Jan/Feb, June, Sep/Oct - exactly 4 mths apart =)
As for KBox on Wednesday.. hmm I'm itching to pick up that mike again but are there any other guys coming along?
To soon: -thanks- for reminding me that i will not be ORDing in nov thanks to me enlisting in apr + i'm a pes c which makes me ineligible for that two month cut.. which means i'll be out a good five months after u all are! 20080420 =S (oh and that applies to William too..)
Anyway cheers and have a great week ahead =)
kaiguan sang at 11:10 PM
hey people!lj and I were discussing ytd abt the days to meet up...and we had two days on mind! these 2 days will be like sort of fixed on our calender for the future years to come. we'll have a gathering during these days yar?? so tt no one will have an excuse when the day comes!the first day will be Chinese New Year. i haven't really think of which day...but for the past few years we've been hanging out at g tan's house on chu san. so maybe we can still keep it going on =) like maybe having a cls reunion dinner..or go lao yu sheng!
the second day will be 4th June! which is the cls birthday! welll...we haven't been celebrating birthday for anyone for quite sometime...(unless we are really able to meet up each month to celebrate) if not taking the cls birthday to celebrate everyone and the cls birthday will be a good idea! and besides...if i'm not wrong...june should be uni summer break rite??? so gals will have no excuse! =P guys pls try to take leave or off yea?? ( nsf try to take off...we can store next year leave for early ORD next year!!!!)
so yup..feel free to post ur views on this issue yar?? the more response the better...juz thinking that coming up with annual meeting-up days will be much better than impromptu tt eveyone can plan our schedule easier =)
and for the gals..take care in uni yar?? as for the guys ording in nov next year, we have less than 500 days to go!
soon heng
rmb to sign off! sang at 5:12 PM
Friday, August 04, 2006
hey guys.
who's interested to kbox with 3 beautiful charming attractive cute lovely girls (more specifically jy xx and me) on
national day?
there's supposedly some national day promotion. click
here to check it out. it's pretty cheap i think although there'd be a triple plus to it. if im not wrong, it cant go more than 10 bucks per head.
do let me know if you can make it!! (: reply asap!!
PY! sang at 9:51 PM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Hi guys. Beach this
Sat. Don't forget. Chew suggests we go somewhere to chill at night, like Changi, for the cheap beer. He probably only longs for the transvestites there though. Anyone up for it? (the chilling, not the renyao) If yes, pls tag "
Chew's a fag". Thanks. Oh and here's the updated meeting time:
1115 hrs. The group leaves at
1130 latest, so latecomers will have to go on their own. Just a reminder, sunset bay has shifted so if u don't know where it is, please
DO NOT be late.
P.S. I've duty until 9 plus that morning so I'll won't make it till maybe afternoon. Call our customer service officer Kian if you have any queries.
Liang Jian sang at 11:09 PM