Saturday, September 30, 2006
hiya! this is feli here... i've spent the entire day today trying to do my biz law report.. n suddenly i really feel like telling ben yimin n jy how much i miss them!!! haha but we were like how efficient la!! n everyone always do their part n give ideas... totally unlike how it is with my project grps now...
i muz tell u guys how horrible this is... there r 4 ppl in my biz law grp... out of e 4, 2 ppl dunno how to use ppt!?!!?? when they told me tt, i suddenly thot of wat kx said previously abt her project mates n i immediately concluded that they must have been frens of my grp members when they were on mars.... who e hell doesnt noe how to use ppt now? ok... but anw, i juz kept quiet n did e slides...
den we started discussing cases... i felt like i was talking to e wall in the gsr... ALL the conclusions tt we came up with were my opinions... they juz sat there n listened to me talk... n when i finish, they say 'ya i thk so too'.... i was like.. dunno wat to say... n when they finally said sth else, it was to ask me to explain the cases that prof talked abt in class!! it was so off la! we were supposed to be discussing abt project, but b4 we can do tt, i still have to waste time teaching them...
then there's the report.. each grp has to do around 4 cases. For other grps, each person only has to write on 1 case each.... but my grp? 1 person has to do 4 cases... n who's tt person? me AGAIN!!! tts y i've been sitting in front of my com for e whole day typing non-stop... n i got a feeling i'll be dreaming abt contracts act and doctrine of privity tonight.... ha i already can remember the EXACT phrasing of half of section 2 in contracts act... u noe if u've been looking at e same thing for nearly 12 hrs, it just stays in your mind...
n guess wat... i told this guy to go figure out how to draw this diagram on ppt... n i ended up having to blackmail him to get him to do it!! i was like telling him in e sms 'if u dun send it to me by today, i wun send u the edited version of the report'... how pathetic can this get?
ya anw... enough of my ranting... look forward to seeing everyone nxt wk!! (= but meanwhile, poor feli has to go back to biz law again...haiz...
rmb to sign off! sang at 9:00 PM
hey guys...
I AM BACK!!!!!!!really missed you guys. think i missed out on alot of stuffs while i was away in taiwan. taiwan's really different from singapore, especially the terrain and weather. but the best part is RnR! woohoo TAIPEI!!!!!!!! eat and play and shop and eat and play and shop until you drop! :D
alright shall stop here. cant wait to see you guys for maf.. then i can share my stories with you guys. it's hard to post entries here.. esp when big brother is watching. lol :)
eugene sang at 4:02 PM
I used to remember back in secondary school, my class had this online discussion board similar to what we have now. I used to write some similar, "philosophical" entries then, about life, about how we are going to miss school when we graduate, about what might become of our friendship as we go our seperate ways. I guess its all the same, whichever stage of life you are at. It's only when you move on to the next phase in life that you begin to find the previous phase a lot more enjoyable than you thought.
When i was in Hwachong, i used to lament and think to myself that my secondary school class was "better", the bonding was stronger and everyone was closer. But after i left Hwachong and looking back, it's all the same. Just look at how this blog gained so much activity in the recent months, compared to last year. I guess a shared past experience coupled with prolonged seperation, tends to bond people better compared to sharing the same, current experience with someone you see everyday. Perhaps we guys would feel very much the same with our ICT buddies when we become NSmen several years down the road.
Looking forward to MAF. I miss the times when we would make one circle and sing our hearts out in the central plaza. Now that we must do again this year!! Hope u guys still rmb how to sing the songs! And the mass dances. Heck if we don't remember the steps. Just do it for fun =D
Kai Guan
Hm shall post some HC song lyrics here... jolt ur memories a little before the actual day =) (set encoding to unicode)
永远矗立 坚定不移
我们华初 华初 华初
肩负重任 百年树人
点起一盏 引路的灯 不再迷惘
哪怕路多长 浪多高
时光于此 化为永恒
啊~ 永恒
你的心那么脆 一碰就会碎
但是天总会黑 人总要离别
而孤单的滋味 谁都要面对
不只是你我 会感觉到疲惫
你的快乐伤悲 只有我能体会
曾经 你我的心
而今 我们再度
日复一日 一次又一次的迷惘
总有你在身旁 伴我走过这一段
凭一份真挚的心 为黄城而努力
黄城 你我的家
纵然 好时光
日复一日 当我们逐渐的成长
回头重望那段 遥远坎坷的路程
但愿纯真的友谊 永远埋藏心底
让我们的故事 我们的歌曲
彼此情谊不深 心灵却相通
犹记得我们曾说过 我们誓愿尽责
我们却不在乎 不渝是精神
只要我们的心联系 从此不再隔分
我们不再畏惧 风雨的阻挡
生命对你和我来说 已经不是一场梦
愈经挫折 生命愈灿烂
只为那爱我愿与你携手 向前迈步
只为那爱我愿与你携手 向前迈步
kaiguan sang at 1:30 AM
Thursday, September 28, 2006
rawrrrrrr. (:
so whats supposed to happen before MAF? are we playing ball? so supper after MAF?
and 21st oct bbq is confirmed ehh? where? asking gtan?
haha. i sound like a wen ti er tong. so many questions! (:
PY! sang at 5:12 PM
Sunday, September 24, 2006
holA! jiayan here! hee muz quickly write down my name b4 i forget to sign off again. hahas
did u all celebrate sherman's birthday yesterday? sorry i couldnt make it cos i had trgn in the day n i had nite biking at night till this morning. wah its super xiong but fun! =) i shall tell u all abt the night biking experience. hahas we statred off from ang mo kio park at 930pm, then we cycled down to thomson plaza area, then to MacRitchie Reservoir, then all the way down bukit timah road (passing by hwa chong) to Alzhar for supper. hahas den we continued from Alzhar to clementi, then to ulu padan road, to queensway, to labrador park, along PSA, to shenton way, then to marina south, then to kallang n finally east coast park. hahas cool right?! my butt hurts like mad =( i haven slp at all since i got home at 8+am. im online now cos im waiting for 930 to come so i can go tuition. hahas officially im like awake since yesterday 7am. hahas achievement can!!! whoopee.. surprisingly im not say very tired. endurance!! hahas im chionging to tuition then im coming back home to catch up on my slp! hahas
but im feeling stressssssssEd from all the projects and modules.. (yet i still go 4 nite bikng) poor time management. sighs!! im jealous!! SMU's mid term break is like 2 weeks always (which is = to half a month!!) i cannot make it liaos.. boohoo!
okies! im going offline soon!!going tuition now hahas. byes pple! anyway do u all miss me? haha cos i miss u all lots! cant wait for maf!
rmb to sign off! sang at 9:23 AM
Saturday, September 23, 2006
hey Yimin, how are you? I didn't know you can be so philosophical. But I agree with you. We often are not grateful for what we have, and we seldom cherish whatever we have. Yesterday, I was talking to a friend over lunch. He is also from hwa chong, S6. We were reminiscing about jc life, and both of us miss jc. There has been times when I wish I was still in JC, times when I think it is even worthwhile to sit for 'A's again just to experience again the friendship and close relationship between classmates, and times when I even wish I had spend more time with friends and the class. I suppose it is natural for humans to look back and regret.
Yay!! Mid-term break has finally come!! I really need the break to relax, rest and revise. To the girls in smu, hang in there.
My last week has been a tiring but enjoyable week. My dad's friend who lives in London (and is a British citizen now) brought his family to Singapore. They stopover for a few days after their trip to their hometown in Malaysia. So I spent last saturday shopping with my dad's friend's daughter. We ate alot too. We had sushi, and piled up on calories with ice-cream, mash potato with lots of cheese, apple crumble, spaghetti with lots of cheese and lots of other food. And mind you, they don't use processed cheese, but pure cheese. I often had to finish the food (because they had small appetites but they cooked so much). When they left on sunday night, I was soooo full and bloated that I'm sure if the wind blew hard enough I will be able to fly up into sky like a hot-air balloon. But gosh, where the food scrumptious! My mom and I (I mainly watched) attempted to make apple crumble for breakfast today - it's really delicious and easy to make. Maybe I can make it for all of you some day:)
I had to keep awake till 1 am when they were in Singapore just to complete my papers and assignments. Really tiring, but lots of fun.
Enough of my boring story. Hope to see everyone at MAF. Take care:) life is short, so cherish everyday.
rmb to sign off! sang at 9:20 PM
Thursday, September 21, 2006
hey guys tis is yimin here slaving for our beloved bbq 0ic mr tanliangjian.
looks like quite a number of ppl wunt be able to make it on the 28th of oct, so the date has been temporarily shifted to the 21st pls post or tag or let mr.ic noe if u can make it =) and of cos there's maf on the 7thoct.ive forgotten how the mass dances go alr.but we can always juz sing rite?haha.dun bother bringing the sparkles.we'll juz end up picking them up from the field with hp lights anyway.anyone any plans for post-maf activities?suggestions welcome.
hows life been for everyone?its been a blur aft hc.u see ppl come and go in these short courses ive been in.u meet new ppl,get all polite and be nice to these ppl,but at time goes by find them a pain in the ass.and when all the shit starts to come u get to knoe them beta and when its time to pass out ure all best of buds.tats the time when u split, get posted to another place and everything happens all over again.
wasnt tat our story a little under a year ago.
yea sure we still stay in contact but its juz not the same.dun u just miss the past and lament at how fast time passed?but come to think bout it didnt we always complain tat time was passing so slowly back then;in the lecture theatres,auditoriums etc haha how ironic.
im sure u'd noe tat u shd cherish wadeva u haf now, cos in a few years time ure gonna be tinking bout the times in uni/army and how time flies.but tat aint gonna stop us from slacking and dread going to sch/booking.dun u juz love how life works.
just to share a little something.dun u always feel tat ure juz so unlucky?missing the bus,getting caught in the rain, toilet no paper etc.u name it.even if u dun complain out loud u'd somehow find it irritating.the smallest of things u'd notice and a frown would follow.tat said, how many times have u felt lucky or thankful for, say in the past week?cant recall anything significant eh?
well its not a prob..but why do we only notice and remember the bad and disasterous?the bus came within 5mins..isnt tat gd?shdnt we be thankful?the sun's out and its not glaring..tats gd rite?i juz walked ten steps without spraining my ankle!miracle!gd things are happening all around us all the time..we juz gotta notice them.and if we reli can do tat life wud be so much more bearable.
i tot bout these during a 10km run when my fren complained he's damn unlucky.he stopped when i pointed out we're all lucky it isnt raining.see runs ARE gd for u.
rmb to sign off! sang at 10:47 PM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
hey... it's sy here... i have makeup lesson on 28th toO! haha... but is early in the morning 830... so most prob can go for the BBQ after tt... anw i agree with JY sch is really getting more and more stressful! it's so easy to find me in library mugging now even though it's only the 5th week! really have no choice coz im taking more modules than other people... made the wrong choice at the beginning of term... :-( but it's ok! i will survive! :-D
Oh today i had my first presentation... it's for econs... haha... coz is a proposal presentation, it's only one minute for me... phew! it's over... have to say that everyone in the class can present very well! no one uses card or anything... and of course i muz pretend to be PRO too... haha... so my grp din use cards but used another laptop for us to refer in case we forgot our speech :-P anw the experience was not bad actually! shall "look forward" to more presentation challenges! haha...
Well... every wed night is almost the end of the week for me! yay! coz tml lesson is statistics! super relaxing... juz like how it was in JC listening to lecture... finally got some time to write something on this blog b4 i get busy again nx week! and i will be having 2 midterm test! one on MAF sad is that...:-(
No matter what... We, the girls in uni shall all jiayou ok? haha.. dun forget to enjoy life too! let's go shopping tgt someday! oh and dun forget our blog's slogan "Let's go SuNtAn"! go beach soooon k? seeya! :")
rmb to sign off! sang at 10:08 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
hey tts jy rite?
we cant make it on 28th!!! cos 24th is dunno deepavali or hari raya, tt means e lessons on the tuesday (24th) will be scheduled on the saturday instead. So all of us frm smu who haf lessons on tuesday cant go... u haf morning lesson till 1145 rite? mine is right after urs... ya my prof was just telling us to mark down e date for the makeup class today...
feli (=
rmb to sign off! sang at 6:20 PM
hohoho so the bbq is on 28th oct? hee saturday right? so far away. hahas efficient =) where will it be? lj's place ah?
hee im in class now! feeling extremely tired! hee yay i cant wait for MAF so we can meet up again. sch is like how stressful lo =( depressing. so many stuff to read up n study. a lot of independent studying which i haven been doing -stressed- boohoo!! n everyone is so qiang. play n study hard kind. muz jiayou!!
class end liaos hahas i'll blog a longer entry soon!! =)
rmb to sign off! sang at 9:15 AM
Monday, September 18, 2006
Thanks to all those who replied about the BBQ. Other than Mr.
Deprived William. So anyway, i know its kinda early to confirm whether you're free or not, but this was done in the hopes of getting the most number of people possible. Surely nobody has made plans for the 28th yet, right? Now i've booked that date in your calenders, so please do try to make it!
Ok so i need you guys to do two simple things.
1. Confirm your availability. You can either tag or msg me.
2. Spread the word, especially to those whom you know normally don't go for class gatherings.
Btw if anybody wants to help organise, I'd
gladly oblige.
Oh and what do you guys think about visiting G Tan before MAF. We could also do PY's suggestion, to play ball. Or both. Only 3 more weeks to go!
p. s. Happy birthday to all the september babies :)
Liang Jian sang at 11:49 PM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
kx. hope you dont mind me posting the photos! (:
anyway im really glad that the our surprise mission was SUCCESSFUL!!
thanks to the help of yinghui (kx's sis) and mum. yipeeeeeee.
with our birthday girl! (:
happy birthday kaixian!! (:
PY! sang at 1:39 PM
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Today has been a truly memorable day for me. All thanks to 3!, my sis and my mom:)
I totally never expected them to surprise me at my house. I never imagined my sis and mom being 'accomplices' too.
It was like any other saturday morning. I woke up at 7.30, watched the documentary on cna regarding Flight 93, read the papers, had my breakfast. My mom then suggested that I should practice my instrument. I had intended to do so 'cos I had practice in the afternoon and I didn't want to embarrass myself. So I practised.
I was practising, getting frustrated when I heard the birthday song. It initially did not register in my mind. I instinctively turned around to see what was happening and was surprised to see Jy, Sy, Eileen and Py. If I had heart problems, I would have had an attack then and there.
3!-xx, thank you very much for the surprise, the visit, the cake and the present, especially since you all have to wake up earlier than usual to surprise me (especially jy). Thank you:)
Xx, it's a pity that you had something on today, otherwise the 3! would be 'reunited'. Still, thank you for the gift and for shopping for it(same goes to sy, jy, py and eileen).
I know that everyone is busy with school stuff now, so I am truly touched. Thanks. And take care. We will probably see each other soon:)
rmb to sign off! sang at 8:12 PM
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Hi! I can confirm that MAF is on 7 Oct. I just checked my sis's student handbook:)
I agree with jy and py. Being in university really makes me miss hwa chong and the class immensely. In Arts too, the people often tend to stay in cliques and there is NO incentive at all to talk to people that you don't know in your lecture or tutorial group. this is especially for huge faculties like Arts. After all, you might not see the same people in the next semester.
So it is kind of sad because I often go for lessons alone. Everyone you know is taking different modules. Even if they take some similar modules, the timetables just don't coordinate. Thus, it is impossible to take the same tutorial or lecture timeslots with your friends. The good thing is that it trains me to be more independent; the bad thing is that you will probably graduate from university without making many new good friends.
Contrastingly, because USP is such a small group of people, I know more people in USP and have made more friends in USP than in Arts. Mainly it is because there is higher probability that you will see familiar faces in the next and following semesters.
Today, for the first time in weeks, excluding the day when we surprised xx, I finally met xx in school! I met her in the canteen, where I was having lunch with alexis and eugenia.
And regarding the academic paper for japanese studies, I really think my group members are from pluto, not mars anymore. They say that they are going to do research by searching the Internet. But the rules given by the department clearly states that Internet stuff are generally not accepted because they are not academic sources. Are they insane or do they have selective memore??? I'd rather do project work with Sherman and William!!! Make it 10 projects with Sherman and William.
eugene - why are you dreading the training in taiwan?? See it as a different experience. Some guys in my USP classes say that when they were in NS, they wished they were in university. Now that they are in university, they hope that they were back in NS. One said that it was as if
he is now going to hell in a fruit basket:)
rmb to sign off! sang at 9:33 PM
hello people!!
if im not wrong,
MAF is on 7th Oct. lets all go back yah? yimin said he'll safe his leave for MAF. i hope most of you guys can do that too. for some queer reason i feel like going back to do all sorts of crazy things, like trying to do the mass dances!! haha. i was never too enthu about mass dance in the past!
by the way, are you all keen to play ball before the MAF celebrations? or do the girls want to look pretty and nice for maf?
jy's right. being in uni makes me miss jc life even more. although i have the same TGs (tutorial groups) for 2 modules, people do not interact that much because we'll all split up after class. to make it worse the bukit timah campus has no other facilities other than libraries LTs study rms and cafeteria. its ultimate bORING!!
just a random note. one thing i really appreciate about hc now, is that hc isnt a very clique-ish school. in law school you can see those high-profile-cliques-who-think-they-are-super-cool forming. and they're really really exclusive. i finally understood what that FARMily thing is all about. and it makes me miss hc even more.
and kx! the sherman and william thing is really funny. im sure they'll be touched to see that. (: and i hope things go well for you. in arts its probably expected that such things will happen yah. although this sounds really discimminating. hang on here. -hugs-
anwyay. i got silver for my competiton! hah. i know it sounds super egoistic to be announcing this. share my joy ma! (: but in case you guys think im pro, (i know thats unlikely. but in case) i was just really really lucky for my matches. oh. im joining tkd in NUS
that's about all i suppose. im pretty sure i'll post again sooon. heheheheeeeeeee. -cunning grin-
PY! sang at 7:03 PM
jy you are still so bhb as ever leh!!!
haha congrats to the ever-potent-and-ever-fertile gtan for being pregnant again! but not much more info le right.. nvm we will know more abt it soon!
and jy. if im not wrong maf is on 7th oct thanks to the double july mth. hope that the cls will turn up. i also miss the class.. but dont think i can meet up with you all soon. cus..
MR PEIPEI IS GOING TO TAIWAN LE!!yup yup like what yihui and yimin did.. im going to taiwan for overseas training for 3 weeks. hopefully i will be back for maf (i SHOULD and most probably WILL be back).. i dont know if i can promise any presents ornot cus got alot of restrictions here here there there which makes it quite jialat so most probably i will spend all my money on food food food :D :D :D
but if anyone manages to come out with a suggestion on what to give gtan for her motherhood i wont mind looking for e present in taiwan if it's within my reach and means to do so.
anyway. thanks to those who have wished me happy bday on my bday.. it really made my day esp when i was in camp. and happy bday to the rest of the september babies! namely kx and chao ah gong. have to post this here cus i will be stuck in the taiwan woods when their bday comes.
dont really know what to say; just very very dreading the taiwan trip and very very looking forward to meeting the class for maf. cya guys! i wont be contactable for a mth..
eugene sang at 10:58 AM
hee its the chong ming ling li huo pu ke ai tian zhen mei li dong ren shang jie ren yi ren jian ren ai de jy again =)
sighs!uni makes me miss hwa chong n the class alot alot. in uni, the classmates u have for diff modules keep changing so u jus keep meeting new ppl but its really hard to make really good friends over there. unlike HC, whereby we have our own class n we can go thru our 2 yrs together. plus i take different modules from sy n leen, so i cant really study w them too! plus i dont really know much ppl in classes n i dont really feel like interacting too! bleahs
anyway i went past HC ytd n i saw the counsellors preparing for MAf and i saw them burning the super big lantern. hees when's the actual date of maf? I WANNA GO!! so u ppl have to go with me k? cos i miss u all lots! sighs!!
kx: the part on william n sherman is rather funny n amusing! hahas
i tink we are all getting older n older.. so r our parents.. so its time to be nice n fillial kids n appreciate our parents more.. right? we shd listen to them more n make them happy!!
hee G tan is pregnant??!?!!? cool sutff.. hee sorry for being slow.. wah =) so exciting! anyway did anyone of u go back during teachers day? i didnt.. we are her 1st form class lehs so if none of us goes back, den she will have v few visitors. hahas.
today is thursday = no sch for me! hahas but guess what m i doing?!?! going for tuitions. super saddening lo. yawns! im feeling depressed and sad now..
rmb to sign off! sang at 10:17 AM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I wanted to do something relaxing before I tackle the draft of Paper 1 so I thought I would contribute a post. seems so recent, yet so long ago that I met up with PY, JY and SY to surprise XX. I miss everyone.
Anyway, last wk, my very good friend's mother died of stomach cancer. She was only 51. In primary school, she used to give my sis and I lifts home after school or school activities. She would talk to us, my mom and we were on rather good terms. After primary school, I saw her only a few times. But I always remember her kindness and generosity. It was a shock for me when my mom told me. Got me a little frightened too, especially with my recent brush with cancer. But I suppose dying is the easy part, it is the suffering and torment you go through before you die that is hard. At least she didn't suffer long - she was diagnosed only 5 mths earlier and apparently she didn't feel any pain. But she lost alot of weight. During the last stages of her life, she weighed only 33kg.
One of the modules I am taking is Introduction to Japanese Studies. The lectures are interesting. The lecturer likes to use videos. On our first lecture, she showed us a video on baseball in Japan to demonstrate group model in Japan. The part I am dreading is the group academic paper that we have to do. The girls in my group are nice, but too laidback for my taste. They are even more laidback than Sherman and William!! I am beginning to appreciate Sherman and William more:) An outline is due on the 18th and we have to include the books and journals we will be referencing to, so which means we have to start researching now cos the books are thick. If I hadn't came up with suggestions, we won't even be researching now. Still, they don't have any sense of urgency. The funny thing is that no matter how many times I tell them, they don't seem to understand that Internet articles cannot be included because most are not considered as academic materials. It is either them or that I am from Mars. Different frequency. I am especially anxious and worried because the academic paper counts for 30% of final grade and I need an average CAP of 3.5 to stay in USP. I honestly think project work is a jinx for me. Hopefully they will turn out okay. Because they are meek and mild and laidback, I am taking on the leadership role - and I am afraid and worried a similar situation to PW will occur.
Oh, I finally can eat seafood. yay!:) I 'celebrated' it by having tim sum on sunday with my family. We went to crystal jade at the airport on sunday, partly because my dad was leaving for a business trip. At crystal jade, I saw 5 people from hwa chong, same batch as us. I think they were from S60. I overheard them talking about USP and they said stuff like 'I'm glad I'm not in USP cos people in USP are nerds'. Maybe I am nerdy but most of the people are not. We are like everyone else.
Which reminds me that I have to start tackling the draft for Paper 1 of my writing module. It's due on sunday and I have to submit a response paper for another USP module next
wk :(
I'm having lunch with eugenia and alexis on thurs!! Can't wait for thurs to come!
Take care!
rmb to sign off! sang at 4:53 PM
Monday, September 04, 2006
hmmmm.....the blog seems to quiet down a bit, but i'll add in one good news here!!!
this is true! i've verified with her! =D
soon heng
rmb to sign off! sang at 11:23 AM