Monday, November 27, 2006
look at the time look at the time!!
guess why im awake at this hour??
cos of this SILLY take-home exam.
3 2000word essays to do!! and sadly being so inefficient my average speed is about 9 hours per essay.
but they're done now. although i didnt bother editing. i cant bear the thought of reading all those bullshit again. eeeee. but now everyone on msn tells me they're doing editing. worries.
im high on. i dont know what. tea?
i cant wait to hand those stuffs in tmr and hurl all the readings out of the window.
byebye sls. (thats singapore legal system) hurhur.
PY! sang at 3:33 AM
Sunday, November 26, 2006
wad happened to the tag board?
eugene i kena 3 cos my MG wasnt clean.some ass from bravo claimed its rusty.
to those having exams gd luck and all the best.its juz exams, nuttin u gals hafnt been thru.
ORD LOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rmb to sign off! sang at 9:21 PM
some of us just went settler's just now!!! hohoho.. wanna try somewhere else? but if u all insist settler's then it's fine with me i guess..
and how abt trying to jio the junior class pple to go too?
eugene sang at 8:11 PM
oh no.. means we cant go the ocs commissioning parade together. sighs! the girls wanted to go together to support u all. congrats to kian n yenshong who are commissioning already! =)
hee 4 more days n my exams will be over..leen n sy also! whoopee! i cant wait. cannot take it already
anyway, next sunday, 3rd dec is the standard chartered marathon day, which some of us are running. liang jian suggest having a class outing after that. are u all free? pls confirm ya? hee u all can edit and add ur name to this entry to indicate whether u all free or not ya? hee lj suggested going settler's cafe, which i think is not bad. hee since i tink i will be half dead after the run =) hahas
we must have more class gatherings this dec ya?if not sch will be starting in january, and the girls will be very busy again!! hahas i'll be out of singapore from 15th-22nd of dec ya? dun miss me too much. sy will be going japan too!! if i nv remember wrongly, it shd be around the same time as me, right sy? lj is going overseas too. on the 8th if im not wrong. leeny may be going msia for a few days. hee so we muz have more class outing whenmost ppl are around! =) hahahs
mery xmas in advance!! hohohoho!!
lovey dovey,
jia yan
those who are free on 3th dec for the class outing pls update and add ur names:jia yan
rmb to sign off! sang at 12:56 PM
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Hey, kian here again. Good news and bad news.
Good news: our dear Yen Shong is a sword of honour recipient. which means he is the most outstanding cadet in his vocation, combat engineers, ranked no.1 out of ~70 cadets. its the highest honour an officer cadet can receive for his training. most vocations (eg. combat engineers, signals, armour, infantry, air defense, navy, C3, logistics) have one sword of honour each, and a few sword of merits. whilst other vocations have none. anyways, its a really big deal. he's done extremely well in all aspects like fitness, leadership qualities and potential, peer appraisal, technical ability and knowledge etc etc. oh ya, he was also platoon best in my platoon in bmt, in case you all dont already know. ha, now we know what he's been up to all this while.
Bad news: the organising committee for the commissioning parade changed their minds and decided that guests need tickets to view the parade. we're only given very limited tickets each. n im very sorry, i won't be able to supply any tickets for the class. unless if there's anyone with a great desire to attend, contact me, i might be able to work out something.
rmb to sign off! sang at 4:38 PM
Friday, November 24, 2006
wad happened to the tag board?
juz got home.going out again.turned ops today.parade sucked.bugger officers duno how to follow the music and get it step.wad a throw face.its been a bad week.i kena 3 extras alr, so my weekends are burnt, including christmas eve..zzz
anyway how was the story?anyone read in detail?i'll come up with part2 soon.bye!take care.
rmb to sign off! sang at 11:09 PM
Sunday, November 19, 2006
hola everyone!!
im feeling super sians now! -yawns!!- my mum n younger sis are at sweden now! they went over to visit my elder sis who's doing her exchange there. such unfair life. im having exams so i cant go over. sighs!! so im home alone now! booohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and i had to wash laundry n do hsework.sighs! lucky my bro is nice enough to help out. hahas and i have no home cooked food to eat! bleahs such a depressing period. sighs! and i have to study! thats the worst part. damn sians. -roars-
anyways, the blog is kinda happening recently. hahas not bad! =) and py! i haven been running at all. im feel super slack and lazy. how?! hee we have to collect the race pack on fri-sun at suntec i tink, right? are u all going kian n yenshong's commissioning? do we need any invitation or we can jus go? hahas
boohoooooo im really sian now! btw i have new neighbours. hahas jus moved in recently. they smoke and play mahjong lo... i dun like...
rmb to sign off! sang at 7:24 PM
yea eugene army life isnt all tat sian.some ppl are juz lazy to type out wad they're
well i juz got back from brunei.contrary to wad i expected it was much more fun and less tiring.mabe im seasoned from taiwan.or mabe because im a spec alr and them men are sizing me up all the time so i gotta act tough even thou i reli wana fall out tat kinda thing.
it rained all the time over there.well not exactly everyday but every time we stayed outfield it rained.i tink tat's worse.ok lets go thru wad we did in brunei in more detail
airport.gathered there at round midnight.took train by myself(sobsob) so i was quite early when i reached.i was damn irritated cos on the train, i was listening to the radio using my phone.and as u noe the train goes underground for a period of time so wasnt able to receive the transmission for some time.the irritating part is when the train went underground for a brief distance,but i tot we reached the tunnel alr, so i took off the headset and kept the phone and everything.den the train got out of the tunnel.sigh.i was so qigek.
okback to the the airport i was standing ard at one corner trying to siam all the bigshots.talking to them aint fun.den someone came and told me one of my guys is on clutches.tat bugger.apparently he twisted his ankle while playing soccer.tink he chaokeng wana siam brunei.hell no it's not gonna me with my ps made him change his appointment and dragged him up the the end he did nuttin in brunei other than untangle the comscord,distribute uniforms etc(aka saikang).and i had to get another guy to become the MG assistant.the new guy duno anything bout the mg so basically i became the assistant for the period in brunei.
the flight was not in fact.sq planes rock.i watched 'the three kings' on krisworld.lucky it finished on time.wana to play pokemon when the plane touched down.we're dere.watching the movie meant tat i hadnt slpt for more than was ard 5plus on board the bus i the woken up,loaded the ferry and on board slept was damn uncomfortable.the seats were like small and there were no headrests,so everyone got lousy necks by the time we woke up.aft the ferryride it was another bus ride for abt20mins.then we're at lakuin camp.their logo is a scorpion.dun ask.i haf no idea why.
so aft briefings and drawing of stores and uniforms and other mundane stuff we got to our first exercise on the third day.jungle village!sounds fun eh?it someways.we woke up damn early to prepare for the inspection but only to sit ard and wait for the inspection to start.anyway environmentally-friendly lakuin insists tat all our rations and stuff brought out are recorded so we'd be forced to bring the rubbish back.they're juz afraid of complains from the aft the we took bus to the landing site and waited sommore for thee sp.the chopper came and picked us us stick by stick.i was the stick ic for my stick,and i admit tat i;ve forgotten wad to do.but nvm.the aircrewman did everything.haha.but as we were unloading the chopper my mg gunner put the mg on the chopper deck so he can get down himself first.(its quite a jump for someone in fbo)but he didnt put the mg down properly so it came tumbling down the chopper.looked as if he threw the mg down.but lucky for him me with my lightning reflexes caught hold of the mg with one hand(weapon and fieldpack on the other hand).hand the mg hit the floor we both would haf been screwed so badly cos our RSM was looking at me aka rambo saved the day.
at jungle village we did harbouring drill, jungle lane live firing and platoon cmc in 3days2nights..harbour drill was..dumb.i mean its juz a drill.we juz do it.nuttin much to tat.the live firing was kinda interesting.tat had to be the least safe live firing exisiting in the saf.its a trail where ure supposed to walk den prone down and fire when the target pops up.the firing sucked but the mud rocked.haha.IT WAS MUDDY AS HELL!it was juz mud everywhere.everywhere.aft that in the noon we moved out for platoon cmc.i tink it stands for contact movement course.wadeva it means, what we had to do was to move and fight when the enemy contacted us.we did fairly well.but the long aar aft every fight meant tat we returned late.oh yea on the first night we had a night is a walk in the was pitch dark.and in the thick vegetation roots were everywhere.but thankfully rambo me managed to get thru it without falling.ok so on the last day of jv we had a company mission.i dun tink i shd and wana describe the fight.aft tat we walked to the main road to wait for buses to bring us back to camp.
the nx package was navigation.tis a 3d2n navigation exercise where we had to find 4 checkpts 1 mid pt and 1 end detail, lead by my pc me and another spec in my platoon(raj) found the first checkpt pretty and raj led the way as we're supposed to 'practise'.so, on route to the second checkpt, my pc decided we sucked and took over the end we got lost.well me and raj didnt mind it at all since our priority was to haf fun outside, not fight for first team or tats wad we had at night.we cooked and ate like kings living in the jungle.maggi mee, canned oyster(yuck), sardines, chicken curry etc.we smuggled the canned food out.heh.aft food we went round hunting ants for of the guys managed to find a scorpion and kept it in a we threw a few commando ants in and waited for the fight.the ants dere are HUGE.and i mean H U G E.wait lemme find sth to compare with it so u can visualize.ahh got it.go to py's blog and find the entry where she moans bout her lousy stamina and how she's gonna start running soon.see the pic of the shoe dere?tats the size of 1 commando ant in brunei.i am not kidding.i got bitten by it once and it hurt like crazy. i yanked it away and its giantic teeth ripped away a chunk of my godly flesh.ouch.fuming mad i went ard stomping and squashing all the ants i see.a commando ant can do so much damage.juz imagine wad guardmens ants are capable of.
where were we?oh on the second day of the navex we juz walked ard for the whole day aft finding the second seems we were juz one ridgeline away from it.haha.not able to find the midpt b4 nightfall,we harboured for the night where we ate more food and talked alot more the morning we met another team who brought us to the midpt, then we made our way to the endpt.yay end of navex.alot happened along the way, unpleasant stuff..but tis isnt a safe place to talk bout it=)
ok lets take a break.end of part be continued...
rmb to sign off! sang at 1:52 PM
hey everyone, kian here. well, eugene, i guess you're wrong, not everyone's sian with life in the army..
i'll be commissioning on the 9th dec. yen shong too, as well as some other hwachong guys. so i'd like to invite the class, on behalf of yen shong too, to come witness the parade. its 9th dec, a saturday evening, at safti mi, close to boon lay mrt, be there at around 5pm.. for those of you who don't know, a commissioning parade is a mass promotion of officer cadets to 2nd lieutenants. its a very prestigious parade. we're a lucky bunch cos the president will be coming down, he comes down for one outta four commission parades annually. the whole lee family might be there as well since its a white horse batch. so do come down alright, no tickets or invitation cards required. i'm guessing all your exams and presentations should end by then. and girls, please refrain from wearing shorts skirts.. its immensely distracting from down there, expecially when you're all seated. and you'll know why if u see someone screw up his drill. haha, nah i'm kidding.. we would actually be more than glad to entertain ourselves whilst stoning there listening to some speech or singing some patriotic song.
just had our rsaf combined graduation ceremony, where we received our swords, wings and certificates. took loads of pics, feels like prom all over again, minus the girls.
about the pilot thingy, i'm still waiting, always waiting, nothing i can do, phone calls wont work either. nvm, at least i get to commission first. btw, joey has been accepted in already, he'll be crossing over right after he commissions. hope to join him soon.
okay, nuff talk. all e best to everyone! hope to cya all soon.
rmb to sign off! sang at 12:23 PM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
i think the reason why the guys arent really blogging is because we are DAMN sian of our lives now.. haha come on most of us still have like 1 more year to go!!
anyway. i guess for most of the guys our lives are getting stable and all the mundane stuffs.. and if u all still dont know im in the same unit as the egghead (aka chew).. we are inside the ulu sungei gedong camp which is in the middle of the limchukang area (the one filled with cemetries). the only diff is that he has to cheongsua alot and i dont really need to cheong cus for my jobscope im more dealing with the planning of the battle (aka im stuck in the office from 8 to 5 haha with my own personal com and loads of aircon).. and that's the reason that chew is always cry-father-cry-mother-ing about when he sees me in camp lol..
now something quite bad is happening in my camp.. there's an outbreak of conjunctivitis.. quite alot of pple either got MC or they are currently stuck in sickbay (YES they are confined in that small little area while im currently typing this entry).. it sounds pretty serious and i heard that the whole battalion has to be confined in camp for like 14 days or more.. ok that sounds real random but i really dont know what to say.. lol
for the girls all the best for yr sem tests.. at least your temporary light at the light of the tunnel is at dec? (if im not wrong).. for the guys the earliest will be nov next year haha! ]
see you guys soon!
eugene sang at 6:27 PM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
hey people!!woah this is my first time blogging heree.haha just came to say hi.anyway shiyun and i are in stats class now!!and theres this SUPER UBER funny video that we will share with ya all soon!!it caused us much embarrassment during stats class man.yiiiiiiiiiiiiikesanyway guys persevere in army and girls persevere in unis!!okay byeeeeeeeee :D
rmb to sign off! sang at 2:15 PM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
i realise the blog is pretty stagnant now. ): do post! i wont mind reading all about army, really! (:
anyway. i've been real busy the past weeks, working on this huge project called the 'research binders'. basically we were given a hypothetical case and we were supposed to research to find a cause of action for our client. so it means reading through "law encyclopedias", namely halsbury, the mallals and digests. and from those secondary sources we have to read through the cases cited and determine which case has the right rule for our case.
yeps. so we had to do a presentation. then a report. and lastly this file, with ALL our research findings clearly sorted out and subdivided and tabbed. it was a hell lot of work. we had about 3 plus weeks to do it. and i actually spent 13 consecutive days in school before the binders was due! ):
basically im free from binders now. but exams beckon! ): thankfully i have only 3 papers, of which one is a take-home. essentially i have one and a half days to do it. but the catch is that its not exactly mug-able. its based on your criticism and analysis of the singapore legal system and this sucks because i am pretty much apathetic and my general knowledge is pathetic. and my contract tutor sent me an email telling me im below average and asked if i need help. how depressing!
enough about law school. work is tough. but the course is really pretty interesting (albeit confusing!)
NUS girls, heh! rawrrr. its so sad that i dont see you two around. kx: randomly i bumped into Gabriel again today! and he asked me how you are! he seems like a real nice guy! HAHAHA!! =D (i can imagine you turning red! heheheeee)
yeps. SMU girls, all the best for your upcoming exams! and perhaps one of you can smuggle me into SMU? heh. then we can study together!! i think its pretty conducive wor! and jy, are you trained up for the marathon! cos im not ): i cant run for nuts now.
and guys. have fun in army. update us! and since you all are so free, PLAN FOR NEXT GATHERING. i end my exams on 8dec. (:
PY! sang at 10:13 PM
Friday, November 10, 2006

hellos! juz a little update on SMU girls here... we are done with all our presentation and is getting a bit relaxed for us now before our final examS! yay... haha... rarely have chance for us (the smu girls) to meet up and really happy that we got to catch movie tgt ytd! haha...wanted to watch the prestige since the show is closing soooon! unfortunately tix sold out when we reached... :-( yups... ended up watching a good year... haha... ok.. so how's life for the rest? keep the blog going k! if not sometimes bored during lesson got nothing to read... hahaha... anw christmas is coming soon! merry christmass everyone! take care too! :-D
rmb to sign off! sang at 3:37 PM
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Hello:) It's quite unbelievable that we (the girls) celebrated eileen's birthday just last week. Time really flies.
Anyway, I'm feeling quite proud of myself 'cos I finished writing the 6000-word Japanese Studies Academic Paper yesterday!! I spent the entire day to do it. Granted, I started off really patchy and slowly because it has been some time ever since I last read the research materials. But more importantly, I've completed it!! Now I only need to do modifications. That's the easy part:) Just one more paper to go!:)
I really have to apologise for boring everyone, once again, but it is just unfortunate that you all have such a friend/classmate, me, who was born boring. If I become more wild, like what some people suggest many times, I think people who know me will think I suddenly went crazy and insane. Besides, I'm satisfied with myself.
Apart from all the above rambling, I really want to share some optimism with the girls. I know that school is plunging into insanity now with so many papers to submit, so many presentations to prepare. But cheer up: the semester is ending, soon. About another month or so. I think I need some help with my brain 'cos I seem to be among the rare few who is feeling happier and more optimistic now since the 'end is nearing' so to speak. But anyway, good luck! Stay cheerful and alot of things will seem clearer and less insurmountable!
Take care!
(NB: Oh, if any of the smu girls read this, can you all remind eileen to email us the pictures we took at smu that day, esp the funny ones. or has she sent them already?)
rmb to sign off! sang at 3:06 PM