Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Haven't seen most people for a long, long time. Wanted to go for the x'mas thing at botanical gardens but I couldn't. The idea of going to botanical gardens was surprising, but refreshing and novel. Very original. quite funny too..don't know why though.
Anyway, just got my results today!!!:) Quite satisfied with the results: Got a CAP of 4.6:) Scored an A+ for Econs, Japanese Studies and Political Science introductory modules!!:):) Scored an A- for one of my USP modules:) And a B for the USP writing module:) I had hoped for a better score for the writing module but I knew, instinctively that a B was a more realistic expectations. Was really worried for the 2 USP modules, esp the writing module 'cos my prof is a linguist and very strict. Previously, I got a B and B- for my first 2 papers. Luckily, I got an A- for the last paper, which allowed me to get the B. Was quite worried for the other USP module 'cos the exam questions were hard. As for Japanese Studies, the MCQs were hard in the sense that no amount of studying would have helped you get the correct answer as we are expected to make inferences from the basic elements of the history, culture and society for almost every question. So, quite happy. I'm not trying to boast, if you're thinking just that; i'm just very relieved.
Also, the results eased my mom's fears that the surgery had damaged by brain ('cos of anaesthesia). Maybe the damage is minimal. I hope so. but i have to admit that after the surgery, I am more forgetful. Something can happen in the morning and I can forget about it in the evening. Don't usually happen to me.
And talking about brain, my brain rebelled last week. Fortunately, I'm okay. Will describe my exciting story when I meet you all. I don't intend to create suspense, but it's easier to tell the story face-to-face. Didn't intend to tell it though, but my mom insist that I should so that you all will know how to 'rescue' me if it happens again when I go for class gathering. The wierdest thing always, somehow, happen to me. For example, I'm probably the first 19-year-old, that you know, who had gone for a surgery to remove a lump from my breast. Even the nurses said it's not very common. I don't mind if 'exciting' things happen to me, but the 'exciting' things that happen to me are often negative in nature:( don't even try thinking or imagining what happened, you will never be able to imagine it.
Anyway, 2007 is coming soon and sem 2 is starting soon. Quite excited. Wishing everyone a happy new year in advance. The girls, enjoy whatever is remaining of the holidays; and guys, take care and enjoy yourselves in camp! Take care!
rmb to sign off! sang at 2:48 PM
Friday, December 22, 2006
omg... so that's why u all called me on wed evening.. haha SO GOOD u all got off and leave to clear lah. was doing duty when u all called.. that's why couldnt go. so jealous!!
anyway am talking to master tan now. as u all know he demands an outing on xmas. and he insists that it shld be a picnic. so guys grab your picnic basket and fill them with food and drinks! and bring some mats along! liangjian says that the venue is at botanical gardens.. time would be at 230 pm bah. so meet at botanical gardens!!
and yup it's the rainy season now. in case it rains.. (TOUCH WOOD).. the wet weather programme will be in school at class bench..
if there's any questions kindly contact tan liang jian thank you very much. (:
and merry Xmas in advance!!
eugene sang at 6:52 PM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
i was told to blog about our little adventure last night! hah.
it was some random-spontaneous-last-minute sort of gathering. which started off because lj and ym both decided to take half day off and lj managed to con his mum to part with her car.
im not sure what happened in between. i think ym and lj went to watch a movie. and so did ben. (someone fill us with the details over here please) and three of them, including soonheng parked near my house and waited for me to get home from training.
i managed to wash up within 10 minutes (although lj claimed i was still 5 mins late) and went down to meet them. then we headed for doujiangyoutiao in lj's lexus! the guys were making quite a big fuss about the car! (: ym and ben couldnt stop encouraging lj to perform dangerous stunt, but thankfully we all arrived at the destination safe.
soonheng left since he had work the next day. ben suggested we get some drinks and head off to changi to watch the planes touch down and take off. they happily parked their car at this gate with the sign that says something like, no parking. offenders will be prosecuted. lol. had a few drinks there, sitting on the roadside and ben happily leaning against the lexus.
cheers 1: to ben and lj for getting us there safelycheers 2: yimin to pass his driving test so that the next time we'll have 3 carsit wasnt long before a police car arrived and gave the guys warning about the car. thankfully they were nice enough not give them demerit points or check their breaths for alcohol

then off we went to the changi beach. it started raining pretty heavily and people started getting a little tipsy. oh well i shant say who! haha. i dont know what the guys were doing. lousy posing.

the four junkies squatting on a rock by the sea in the rain at 3plus am in the morning.
cheers 3: to 343 55s.. and the rain
and lastly: to good memories, like this! (:

they dropped me off at my house. was supposed to go for breakfast it didnt happen in the end. it was a great experience really. i shall leave it as that. there's too much to say.
ym lj and ben, perhaps you guys can help fill in the missing parts. and isnt lj supposed to blog about his europe trip?
yep. and i hope everyone can make it for the xmas gathering!! =D
PY! sang at 7:17 PM
Sunday, December 17, 2006
hmm nobody made such a big hooha when we got our chevrons eh eugene?haha jk.
anyway the year is ending,again.anyone lonely on christmas?lj needs company.he's suggesting a picnic.hahaha.perhaps a small gathering, not on x'mas day, but someday.a small gathering, some snacks, juice, a nice place and we can catch up.nuttin big or fancy.nuttin tat requires lotsa work.
i shdnt ask ppl to edit tis post and include their name if they're interested.cos no one actually bothers, tis's juz a headsup to what might'll be nice to get together and bitch bout diff. stuff.
also congrats to our officers.hell of a 9mths eh.if i wanted to be an officer maybe i'd need 20yrs.haha.take care of ur sword.dun let it rust.its a chargable offence.
yep.merry christmas and a happy christmas eve.
rmb to sign off! sang at 11:56 AM
Monday, December 11, 2006
congratulations kian and yenshong for commissioning! (:

the girls managed to find kian and took photos with him! heh. he was looking so smart in his uniform! haha! proud of my pw mate!!

the only picture we have of yenshong marching back after receiving his sword of honour.
that's all folks. i heard theres a christmas gathering coming sooN! yayy (:
PY! sang at 12:35 PM
Saturday, December 09, 2006
ho kian hope u come online in time to see this.. all the best for yr commissioning parade man! and congrats to yenshong for yr sword too!
eugene sang at 1:18 PM
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Yay!!! My exams have finally ended! I'm so happy. Finally, I can take a rest.
At least the exams weren't that traumatic for me. The mid-term tests are really teasers for the final exam. The difference in standard is so stark it shocked and traumatised many people.
Oh, and for the academic paper I had to write for the japanese studies module, the one I had to write all by myself although it's groupn work, it was graded A!!!
Anyway, for anyone who still has exams - good luck!!
Congrats to yenshong too!
I'm only still awake at this time because I'm watching the opening ceremony of the Asian Games. Want to hear Jacky Cheung sing:)
rmb to sign off! sang at 12:04 AM