Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Anyone wants to watch Huang Cheng this year?
Sat: 10 Mar, 7.30pm
Sun: 11 Mar, 2.30pm & 7.30pm
Tickets: $12, $14, $16
Huang Cheng 07 website
kaiguan sang at 10:52 PM
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Cable Ski outing on the 17th of March (Sat), somewhere on Batam. Those interested please send the following details to Sherman: Full name, IC number, passport expiry date and birthday. PLS ENSURE YR PASSPORT IS VALID FOR
It'll be a full day affair, starting from about 8 plus in the morning till probably 9 plus at night (can also take an earlier ferry and reach at 7 plus). Costs $83, inclusive of the ferry tickets and lunch. Expect lots of flying into the water, cramps, and aches in muscles that you never even knew existed. Can also go go-karting nearby during lunch time for $15-$16.
Things to bring: suitable clothing for watersports, sunblock, passport, and a thirst for thrills.
rmb to sign off! sang at 11:13 AM
Saturday, February 24, 2007
gtan had given birth to a baby boy last night!!!! she said we can visit her after her one month confinment period..which is after 23 Mar! details of visit to be posted in the near future!
rmb to sign off! sang at 9:16 PM
Saturday, February 17, 2007
hey peeps!
alrite the chu san stuff is finally finalised! we'll head off to kx's hse probably on chu san..kx will picking us up at pasir ris mrt station at arnd 1045..her mom say it is fine for us to stay as long as we wan there...then we can have lunch after tt =) somewhere arnd the east
for those who are keen abt kbox..u can go ahead after that, or those who wanna play mahjong, i guess eugene will be able to entertain us at his place?? (anyone willing to volunteer their place?? ben??) or if there's anyone who wanna catch a movie or anything, u can suggest here now or on chu san when we meet up k??
tt's all for now! so for those coming, pls kindly reply me by tagging, blogging or sms..thnks!
Happy Chinese New Year in advance! cya guys on chu san! its been a long time some of us have met! =D
rmb to sign off! sang at 7:56 PM
Friday, February 16, 2007
after considerations, i suppose these are the few of the many feasible suggestions that we can actually do on chu san:
kboxing at paradiz ctr. soonheng suggested this place cus there's supposedly this big room with pool tables and it's supposedly very cheap.. like less than 15 bucks? and we can sing from 11 to 7. what's more if the guys complain that their throats are sore and they feel like lanning they can do so nearby.
>> suggests lao yushenging. otherwise tze cha will be fine. i feel like eating botak jones.. if not a steamboat dinner at marina bay will be alright too. location shldnt be a problem since we shld have enough cars to tompang us along. what do you guys think?
househopping.currently only kx is ok with us going to her house.. i dont think i'll mind but my house is pretty ulu and no one will be at home on chu san. so for this.. any more volunteers? sherman? we have been wanting to go to your house for quite long le haha
mahjong.tongxiao? someone's house? my house doesnt have a mahjong set. this will prob take place at chu er. but it's still tentative. cus may affect the family overnight and they will also need to bai nian the next day. so see how bah.
other suggestions are greatly welcome. we appreciate your feedback!
for your information and necessary actions.
eugene sang at 7:13 PM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Huh huh... I blocked off my whole Chu San for gtan and...
Oh well. I guess regular visits to the hospitals for checks is part and parcel of being pregnant, so we should wish her all the best and hope that she takes good care of herself this critical period =)
Soon: having at least a handful of regular writers, even if it's just 4 or 5, means the blog is nowhere near dead... yet =)
Did i just hear Kbox??! That is absolutely a good idea! Man KBox is getting addictive for me... But a bit ex :( House visits sounds good too, but it has to be a smaller group to be meaningful and fair to everyone =)
Otherwise a simple lunch gathering would do just fine too.
Out of curiousity, which one of us here 1) have a licence and 2) have a licence AND have ready car access?
kaiguan sang at 9:57 PM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
py i've no idea whether its pregnacy complication or wat?? but i guess her due date is's y she is going to the hospital soon?? dun worry too much =)
i wonder if this blog is a good place to ask for suggestions when this place seems pretty dead now..but anw, i dun mind the idea of goin to one another's hse to bai nian =) or is anyone interested in KBOX??? i have craving for it haha..maybe we can do tt on chu san since the cls has nvr done tt for a long time?? haha
rmb to sign off! sang at 12:56 PM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
soon! what happened to gtan? pregnancy complications?
i heard the guys made some jigsaw puzzle for her so we cant give it to her until she gives birth ah? thats pretty sad!
err. i think playing ball on chu san is a bit weird isnt it. and i bet the courts wouldnt be open. maybe we can go check out that nice food stall you were talking about the other time. yeps.
not sure if you guys still want to meet up since we're not going to gtan's place anymore. or we can go bai-nian at one another's house. esp now that so many of you drive!! (: (:
PY! sang at 1:07 PM
hey peeps, i have a bad news for the cls...we won't be able to go gtan's hse on chu san =( she is goin to the hospital on chu si, so for the whole of cny, she will be resting at home! so most likely we'll visit her after she gives birth to her baby boy =)
so meanwhile, any suggestion to wat we can do on chu san??? maybe we can go play some ball, have a meal or anything else! pls suggest something cos there's only a week more!!!
rmb to sign off! sang at 7:37 AM
Monday, February 12, 2007
yeah, good stuff jeff! nice pic. oh i just came across some photos which were taken eons ago on a guys' day out. i still find it immensely hilarious. have a look..

i've got an announcement to make, for those who don't already know.. i'm gonna be a regular Soon! (all pun intended). as of 1st march i'll be a regular pilot trainee, reporting to air force school (heaven), be leaving for my airgrading in Tamworth (another heaven), Australia, on 25th march. but that doesn't make me a pilot yet.. The previous course saw only 4 pass, out of a possible 20. so wish me luck.
anw guys, how abt the plan that we talked about.. playing sports (vball, bball, soccer, tennis, wadever) every saturday in school?
Really looking forward to chu san and seeing all of u again!
rmb to sign off! sang at 8:36 PM
Jeff, thanks for the picture!!! Very nice.
Anyway, anyone is interested to go back to HC on fri morning?? Just to immerse in the new year atmosphere? Fri is my free day so I was thinking of going back to hc and nanyang. Just tell me if you want to go.
I don't suppose any of the girls are free on fri morning??? Py, do you have lessons on fri morning??
Labels: Chinese new year celebrations at hwa chong
rmb to sign off! sang at 4:49 PM
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Hello everyone...this is Medic Free speaking...
Today has a been a nice day, mostly because Eugene treated some of the guys McDonalds. And tada this is the newest and the most "in" picture of all times.

Our 04s64 collage!!
This also helps to promote our blog to Mrs Tan. If she needs help in fixing her puzzle she has to look at the answer.
Hope you all like the design...and it certainly brings back lots of good memories :)
Jeffery sang at 2:34 AM
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
hey soon the food looks really appetising. how about meeting up with the rest one day and go and eat there?
anyways i just came back from this major event in the a*rmy that involves quite a number of units. 2 divisions to be exact and alot of units are supporting the 2 divisions that werwe "at war" with one another. in short, it's something like an island-wide excerise bah. and guess what? both sherman and me are involved! he was supposed to make bridges for me and my tank to cross some water body.. cool huh!
alrights shall not say somemore in case something bad happens to me. havent seen the class for quite a while already.. really hope to see you guys when we meet up to buy presents for gtan and her baby. till then.. that's all folks!
and happy birthday liangjian.. sigh another poor fella who has turned 20.. haha.. stay young huh! :) shall stop here.. using my army com.. dont want to let my officer catch me :D
eugene sang at 7:10 PM
harlows... this is SY! jy juz told me she blogged this morning so i decided to come and read and blog too! haha... feeling quite tired in school now... had meeting this morning and later having lesson! *yawnS* haha... shall not bore u all with my boring life... shall tell u all bout where im goin for the USA trip!
I will be going to Grand Canyon in May... there's lots of canyon there i tink... hehe... maybe got snow if we are lucky! err.... it's near las vegas so maybe i can go check out the casinos there and be a millionaire when im back! haha... tt's quite impossible! but im definitely going there to be a chambermaid... clean people's hotel room, toilet, change bedsheet and many many more! :-( haha... tt's the working part! but i guess the rest of the traveling and hiking will be very fun! will tell u all more when i go there... nx time you all can go tgt! more pple more fun! tink py wants to go... hehe...
Anw i got something to say! how come although jy is from all the schools which produce talented singers but jy is not one!? haha... nx time let's go kbox tgt and prove it to us! haha... that's all the nonsense i wan to contribute...
Happy Birthday to LJ too :-)
rmb to sign off! sang at 3:05 PM
hellllllllooooo.. cool stuff.. this is the first time i sign in using the new google account. hahas anyway be4 i forget to self intro, im jy =)
yay i've eaten botak jones be4 tooo.. its super nice n cheap!! (hee as mentioned by soooon n sy!! =)) and the cajun chicken is super duper nice too (as mentioned by soon n sy tooooooo) hahas i've tried the beef and chicken sausage too. its nice tooo! plus is really v big and jumbo!! hahas i think its called jumbo sausage or something. hahas =) i think the food is super value for money. but its quite crowded most of the time!! sad but true. the waiting time for weekdays is abt 30min, and its abt 1hr for weekend. hee so be prepared!! do bring lotsa magazines and newspapers if u plan to go there on weekends. hee i waited 1hr when i went at 9pm on sat. hee yup yup even thou its late, the crowd is still there =) if im not wrong last order is at 10pm. do ask soon heng to drive u all there if u all wanna go there, hee cos its rather ulu-fied. hee since soon heng has volunteered his service, hahas we shd exploit it. hahas sorry sy!! =)
wah im feeling old!! hahas 20yrs old le. but nvm. that explains y im so mature n sensible. hahas thanks 3! for the posts and surpriseS!! =) yays! thanks dears!! huggss hee thanks to everyone who wished me bday too!! yayness hahas =)
anyway, i become much darker again!! saddening!! sighs feeling rather depressed. hahahas went beach the whole day on sunday, and the sun is super duper hot. sighs!!! and as usual, i turned so much darker despite the many layers of sunblock i applied. heee i bet ppl like kian nv even turn much darker. hahas unfair!! yay n i got to watch 3/4 of the singapore v thailand soccer match. hee n singapore won!! cool stuff! hip hip hooray =)) hahas and for the project superstar, diya lost!!! so sad!! shes from nanyang hwachong! n guess what?! darren is from my primary schooool!!! bukit panjang pri sch!! ahhahas all my sch produce and cultivate singers can!!! hahahas *proud*
yup yup latest update: i'll be going cambodia for ocip from 24apr to 5may. hee so dont miss me too much during this period of time ya? hahas n sy will be going work and travel summer program in usa! yup for about 3 months i guess. hee sy u blog n update the class ba! yeah i'll miss sy alot alot!! but i think soon heng will miss her more. hee kelian de hai zi.
anyway, happy birthday lj!! hahas welcome to the 20s club!! hahas =)
lovey doveyjy
rmb to sign off! sang at 8:42 AM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Hey peeps!!! check this out!!!! I dunno how many of know heard of it, but me and sy are introducing this to the cls!!! Its BOTAK JONES!!!! This place sells SUPERB WESTERN FOOD at HAWKER CENTRE PRICE!!!!! We tried the one in amk, ave 5..but I think there are still several branhes else where..think one is in clementi….
Anyway back to the food, sy ordered regular Cajun chicken at $6.50!!! the chicken is gd!!!! Not the regular type u get in any western stall…the meat is tender and juicy, wif a layer of melted cheese on it! Of cos it comes wif the regular coleslaw and French fries…The French fries is different! It has pepper and chilli powder added to the flavour is stronger, better than any other salted fries elsewhere
I ordered the beef burger…well it come in 3 sizes…”Botak” for one patty, “Double Botak” for two patties and finally “U-Crazy-Wat” for three patties!!! I guess u all can guess wat I ordered?? YES, I ordered the biggest one!! $11.50 for the set meal. For those who wan cheaper, the single patty cost only $5.50 for the set meal =) the beef patty is real good!!! The patty is done medium well, so when u squeeze the patty, the juice juz drip down!!! Honestly…squeezing down 5 layers (3 beef patties and 2 layers of bread) is no easy feat! I gave up trying tt =( so anyone who can do tt pls let me know! Btw, each beef patty is 150gm (yes I juz gobbled down 450gm of beef!!), so it act a gauge to ppl who wanna know which size to order =D
For ppl who prefer steak…u can jio me out to try! and for those who can’t take beef, no worries!!! U can jio me and sy for fish n chips or lamb (both look superb as well and sy was drooling looking at them =P) I volunteer to drive u ppl there!!! (if I can get the car)
Oh be prepared to wait 30-45min for your food! So for those real hungry..u can order bbq chicken wings at the next stall to satisfy your hunger =) and now for the pictures!
cajun chicken
soon & sy
rmb to sign off! sang at 9:34 PM
Friday, February 02, 2007
I hope you liked the present and the surprise we gave you. :)
How do you feel now that you have reached the big 20???:)
Anyway, have a fantastic day ahead!!
Eileen: remember to post the pictures we took!!!
rmb to sign off! sang at 11:17 AM
PY! sang at 10:53 AM
arlo...i'm now stuck in camp for duty with 4 more hours to go...this is an update on gtan's gift..anyone free on 10 feb (sat) to look arnd for gift?? ppl free can juz blog, tag or sms me =)
oh, and blogspot now needs gmail account to sign account created with userid "hcjc04s64" (they dun accept userid lesser than 6 letters, so 04s64 can't be used and hc04s64 was not available), but password remains the same.
rmb to sign off! sang at 4:44 AM