Sunday, April 29, 2007

MARIAAAAAA.. ave maria..
nice show nice show..
eugene sang at 1:47 PM
Monday, April 23, 2007
hey people!!
im flying off to cambodia in a few hours time!! and i'll be back 2 weeks later on the 6th may. all the best to the nus and ntu girls who are still having exams!! jiayou!!and for the army guys, persevere!!5+months to ORD!!! hahas
sorry i have been very busy ever since exams till now. and it has been a long time since i get to meet u all, especially kx leen and the guys!! got to meet py xx and sy last week at holland v for brunch. cant wait to return from cambodia so i can meet all of u again! :)
anyway, sy will be flying off to usa on the 6th may, which is the day im back!! hahas do u all have to have a airport outing on the 6th? hahahs im reaching terminal 1 singapore at 11:10am and sy is only flying off in the afternoon. hee yeaps!! so sms me to confirm ya? cos i cant check the class blog nor go msn in cambodia!! there's no computer and internet access i think!! and i need to tell my family what time shd they come the airport to pick me up. i got autoroam haha so jus sms me anytime when u miss me!! but i may not reply frequently cos its super ex to send sms backkk!!
hee missing u all lots!! lets go cable skiiiiiii when im backkk! hahahs tk care people! huggs!
rmb to sign off! sang at 9:30 PM
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Hello to all of you out there!! Sherman's here!!
Pardon my previous half-gay post.. I intended to make it as gay as I could but I had to rush to camp :( Anyways, some of you (shant mention who so as to protect the innocent, except for some fool who decided to embarrass herself) apparently were convinced that I was attached.. Oh wells, sorry to disappoint you.
Here I am now is Big Balls Ben's home. Soon's just beside me on sy's lap(top), whereas B-cube, tee ell jay and yimin have already knocked out.. We are currently on some secret mission so erm, I aint supposed to leak out any information..
So what's coming up in May?? Since the girls are done with their exams, let's go cable ski-ing! We can also either organise a class outing or a snr-jnr gathering (04/05).. so hopefully you guys can make yourselves free for these upcoming events! Loads of fun coming our way in the Merry Month of May! :)
Feel free to tag any suggestions! Please take good care of yourselves! Ta-ta..
rmb to sign off! sang at 2:29 AM
Saturday, April 14, 2007
G'day mates!
Kian here, in tamworth, australia. just thought it'll be good to blog back from here. anw, im pilot trainee no more! but before thinking of words to console me, its actually a good thing, partly my decision. had serious doubt about this as a career once i came here, after my first few flights. realised that this isn't really for me. i'm clearly not a born flyer. just failed my flight test last friday and im coming back home next thursday! btw, food for thought: wouldn't it be best for us to do what we do best and do what we enjoy? what if they don't exactly coincide? wouldn't it be rather sad to actually do what u think u enjoy and work so hard at, sacrificing many other things, just to attain a standard others in your profession have no sweat over? or should u just work hard at whatever you've chosen and take what comes, with job satisfaction pulling u through? and how would you know whether you're gonna enjoy what you're gonna do? what if it pays you really well? what about your family? well, those were a few of the many questions i was grappling with these three weeks or so. hope i made the right decision and not regret in future not making full use of my opportunity. anw, had a real good stay here in tamworth, lots of gifts, chocolates and stories to share for those who're interested! really miss singapore and u guys loads. think i'll never experience singapore like i ever have again.
rmb to sign off! sang at 5:17 PM
Thursday, April 12, 2007

hello people!! this is an international women beach volleyball competition which involves alot alot of countries :) its quite a large scale event that will be held in singapore from 24-28May! it will be at sentosa and a beach volleyball stadium will be set up specially for this event.
im helping the smu vball team to sell the ticket for this event. tickets are priced at $15 for 24th may thursday and $20 from 25th to 28th may (fri to sun). there will be quite alot of matches each day, from morning till evening. so each ticket allows u to watch all the matches on that day itself. there will be a beach party on sat night, all ticket holders (of any day) is entitled to free entry! yups! so its quite worth!
so are u all interested??? more info can be found at
do get back to me asap if u all are interested k? cos i'll be going overseas v sooon! :) thanks n tk care everyone!
jia yan
rmb to sign off! sang at 11:10 PM
Monday, April 09, 2007
well. please pardon me for the seemingly egoistic blogger nick. i cant believe sherman spotted that, considering how long i havent posted.
clearly i have reasons for doing that. ask me online i'll tell you!
well for now i guess i'll just have to use the class' account. just to seem more humble! hurhur.
rmb to sign off! sang at 4:42 PM
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Hey peeps! Sherman's here! :):):)
For all those who are still kept in the dark, I am attached! -beams- ^^
Attached to whom you might ask.. I am attached out of camp to play squash for SAFSA ( Singapore Armed Forces Sports Association).. which explains why I am online so often! (yea 'slack' is probably the word that comes to your mind now) (sour grapes HA!) Being attached out causes me to lose track of time somehow, probably because I have too much to spare.. so whoever's free can jio me out kk?
Recently, I have been hanging out with tee ell jay ( as usual) (thinking of the word 'gay' right!?), yimin (thanks a lot for sending me home so many times dude!.. and more to come!), Big Balls Ben and Chew Eggs. Met up with shiyun's bf,, sprinkler(oops!) and the Very Talented Lawyer as well. Good stuff. Had a couple of stayovers at you-know-who 's house with kennethoh, wenky (if you know who they are) and yimin (once).
You want freedom? Pay a price for it. I have been spending a lot on transport, food and entertainment. Anyway, I met up with the juniors today at holland v to celebrate wanzhen's birthday. Quite a number of guys, together with wanzhen, wanxin, yisin, shijun and dengshu, were present. 2 guys are in OCS and 2 are in SISPEC, with some who have not enlisted yet.
Omg I am rushing to book in so I m leaving out on ALL THE DETAILS.. blog another time when I can. Last point I wanna make, lets have a snr-jnr outing in May or June kk? Will go into further detail another time!
Sorry for this content-less post! Take Care and ta-ta!!
rmb to sign off! sang at 8:20 PM