Saturday, September 29, 2007
two specific characters in the class have been coercing me to blog. ): whatever happened to individual rights?
well. i'm pretty much fine actually. busy with school. whoever said business was easy and people are slack is making a serious misrepresentation of the truth. it's projects and presentations one after another and basically many many datelines. very different from law, in that law has major important datelines that requires a lot of work before that, but not datelines every other day.
MAF was good i enjoyed myself. it's nice to see that our class still has such a good turnout. they should have some most-enthu-alumni award. i bet we'll clinch that.
okay im going back to mire myself in my econs textbook. and seriously GTan is such a fantastic wonderful amazing Econs tutor. the econs lecturer and TAs i'm getting now are totally frustrating and exasperating. groans.
PY! sang at 11:38 AM
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wahh sherman thanks for that sia... And PY thanks for the photos too =) Anyone else has contributions?
Wa you guys are ORD-ing when I just got my CPL promotion.. sianzzz.. Have to wait till Apr! Dots.. haha...
kaiguan sang at 12:08 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
i better support sherman before he starts to spam my tagboard..
here are photos from maf from py's cam:

eugene sang at 4:41 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
hey sherman happy birthday to u. hope u had fun on ur birthday and the day before and the day after.basically everyday.
tis blog is kinda dying.even i check less nowadays.much less blog.uhm
i guess since maf we've been living our own lives.i mean not tat welive together or anything usually.but there would be more gatherings,meetings etc..maybe we're busy and stuff lidat.then again,maybe we're lazy.
to all the girls..ORD LO!! and to all the guys
ORD LO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i suppose only we feel how we feel.
uhm wad else.nope.nuttin.will try to blog if there's sth sure u guys noe how lazy i am so appreciate this entry.
yimin sang at 8:07 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Hello all of you $^#&@* 64 peeps who make kaiguan talk to himself on OUR class blog!
Well well, i've got no idea what lies ahead in this post as i'm typing this BUT.. I'M NOT INTENDING TO BE TALKING TO MYSELF SO BLOG IF U SEE THIS.
Anyways, since i've got no blog of my own, i shall take this opportunity to extend a big THANK YOU to all those who've sms-ed, msn-ed and facebooked me to congratulate me for hitting the 20 on the 20th! (and 21st).. from the 1st sms (you know who you are) to the last (you know who you are too!) thanks loads! =)
Really glad to see all you people who went for MAF! let me count.. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 15.. 16.. 17.. 18.. 19.. 20.. woah! a whooping 20 04s64 people turned up! i predict that its gonna be a downward trend as the years pass though.. prove me wrong! As for photos that kaiguan is asking for, those with cameras that day please zi dong.. the lightings this year seem to be better than last year if i recall correctly.. and this time, we din miss the light-up! shant go into further details cuz i'll juz fall aslp typing.. oh and sorry to those who went supper after MAF! paiseh i pangseh-ed.. was feeling emo that night so i went home to cry under my blanket.. -sniff-
Juz for info, i'm learning driving now! hopefully i'll be able to get my license by mid-november.. currently i've only gone for 3 lessons though :( however, booking of my front seat starts now! any bidders? (wah later fail 5 times damn malu)
Okay, i think i'm done with this post. As usual, its rather content-less but its more of erm, activation energy, to spark off a chain reaction.
Lovey dovey,
rmb to sign off! sang at 11:49 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
Okay here are the photos from my camera...

Can we have the rest pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee? =D
kaiguan sang at 12:23 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Presenting the video of 情真情深 featuring 04S64! Watch on.. haha
Photos will follow soon... all those who took pictures pls upload them too!
kaiguan sang at 1:20 PM
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
heys! im feeling bored in class so i upload this video! it's the one and only video by 04s64! haha it's a very funny... starring Oon, Lj, Kian, Leen and im the camera girl! haha... i still remember showing it to Leen during lesson and she laughed so loudly tt we were both very embarrassed! haha... hope it will bring some joy to you guys too! enjoy! :-)
rmb to sign off! sang at 3:44 PM
heys! im feeling bored in class so i upload this video! it's the one and only video by 04s64! haha it's a very funny... starring Oon, Lj, Kian, Leen and im the camera girl! haha... i still remember showing it to Leen during lesson and she laughed so loudly tt we were both very embarrassed! haha... hope it will bring some joy to you guys too! enjoy! :-)
rmb to sign off! sang at 3:44 PM
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Starting with a few random shots

And here's the group ones (click for large view & download)

kaiguan sang at 7:03 PM