Thursday, October 18, 2007

Clockwise or anti-clockwise?
Liang Jian sang at 10:19 PM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
The class blog is finally coming to life!! I agree with jy...the girls are super busy. I just had a traumatising microecons midterm on monday that left many people in a projects, papers, more midterms and never-ending readings..if i'm not reading the textbook or module readings, i'll be doing tutorials or trying to understand the philosophical essays or researching on the lack of safe water in developing countries....this explains why the girls are hibernating with our books and laptops. This leaves the guys to keep the blog i think most of the girls will check the class blog for entertainment (at least i do), so guys, pls keep it alive. thanks :)
jy, must speak up in that class!!! it's 20% of the grade!!! maybe you can scrutinise your text or article or research on the topic, find something questionable about it. maybe the underlying assumption or find a counterexample to question its feasibility, sth that might not be very tenable. Then, you can have sth to say during class. It's hard, in some classes to speak up. But die die have to. 20% can easily put you on a different grade altogether.
Somehow I managed to injure my leg without knowing it...i just woke up one day and my ankle kind of hurts but it isn't swollen or anything.. thankfully the pain is bearable so I am still wearing heels to school - mainly because all my shoes are heels and i've grown sooo used to wearing heels that if i don't wear it when i go out, my back starts to hurt.
Is anyone thinking of having a pet or knows or someone who is looking for a dog to be kept as a pet? I've a friend who rescued a dog from being put to sleep from the SPCA. He can't keep it though because his mom dislikes dogs. The dog isn't a stray. it's abandoned. If you are interested or know of someone who is, just let me know and I'll tell my friend.
going back to my tutorial on whether animals use the Earth's magnetic field for migration...i honestly wondered why i was soo looking forward to the semester during the hols..must be insane...can't wait for the hols and counting down to April when I'll handover and regain my freedom...
rmb to sign off! sang at 8:36 PM
due to the large amount of midterm exams, project work, homework and readings, the girls have vanished from the surface of the earth. sad but true :( depressing. and you guys are gonna ord soon!! uber unfair!! even more depressing for the girls. anyway congrats! hahahas the long awaited day is finally coming soon and i guess most of u are clearing leaves/offs now right!
n im in class now. sians. i hate this class! its gross. hahas class part is like 20% of my final grade and i have nv spoken up in class before. sighs. n i hate the class later. jus flunk a quiz for that module. life is depressing. i wanna ord from school hahahahahaha!
anyway sherman!! hows ur driving lesson?!?! ur instructor good?! if yes i'll approach him too! will try my best to squeeze out time to learn driving!
anyway im going to extract my wisdom tooth next wednesday =(=( im damn scareddd! n i wont be able to talk n eat for quite a while. jian fei!! hahah but im damn scaredddd!
last but not least,
happy birthday PY!!!!!jia yan
rmb to sign off! sang at 9:35 AM