Friday, November 30, 2007
my exams are over! haha had 4 papers in 3 days, which was @#$%^#!#%. haha since im quite free now, i shall explain to the guys how much the girls have to study for our exams. haha! one exam for one module, and each module has at least 1 textbook, which is super thick and expensive. so we have to swallow what we have learnt for the exams. haha and that's excluding all the notes and extra readings we have for that module haha so the amount we study is acutally more than a levels since we take so many mods!! hahahs and i only have 1 week study break to finsih studying everything!! hahah which was a blessing in disguise. just get over and done with. haha!
yup! and i went to cut n dye my hair ytd since i was freeeeee. so now my fringe is uber short :( act cute style. sighs! i got a shock after my hairdresser finish cutting my hair. sad but true. lets hope my hair grows fast. any hair growing shampoo to recommend?
kx, hope ur mum is feeling better already. help us send our regars to her k. jiayou for ur exams and take care k!
like what yimin has been happing on in his previous entry, STANDCHART is on this coming sunday, which is real soon! hope all of us are geared up for it :):) do drink lotsa water and eat more carbo the day before ya? esp the guys who are doing 21k and 42k! jiayou ba! :):) wo men yong yuan zhi chi ni men! haha for the girls, lets jiayou for our 10k! hahahs py sy, i din run ever since last tue after we went smu gym. haha
im starting intership next monday, 9am - 6pm daily, till early january, and school will start immediately after that! which means, i have no holiday at all!! boooo sad but true again! anyway my work place is at middle road, which is v near town n bugis, so come find my for lunch if u all are free k haha! u all can go shop or play pool after that haha!
(yay see u all on sunday! since the race time is different for the diff races, lets meet up after we complete the run k, at the park just beside the esplanade. the girls will know, so for the guys, come ask us if u all dont know where exactly k:))
rmb to sign off! sang at 10:45 AM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
hi:) taking a breather from exams..done with 3, left with 2 next week. exams have been
interesting so far.. yesterday's exam was the best. ever. The prof gave out chocolate bars during the exam. And while the other staff and professors were walking around to make sure no one was cheating and stuff, he was walking around to see who has finished their chocolate and he was busy replenishing their chocolate supply.:) he says that the choc bars are sources of energy. He is just super nice and is a favourite among all his students. During lessons, he is always providing snacks. On the last day of lessons, he brought even more snacks than usual and bottles of coke because it was a time to celebrate. We joked, that if we were to gain any weight during the semester, it's his fault.
The past weeks have been a trying time - my mum injured herself and my sis and I have to take turns doing housework as we prepare for exams, a neighbour, whom I'm closed to, had her health condition deteriorate (she is suffering from brain cancer) and my aunt is recently diagnosed with stomach cancer( her condition is so bad that her stomach has been removed and cancer cells have spread to her bone). But I suppose things like these's just sad to see happy and active people reduced to pale and weak beings.
But in any case, the same prof always send us weblinks of cute and/or funny videos. This is one of them: Enjoy!
rmb to sign off! sang at 10:14 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
omg blogspot loaded for eons!
haha py take it as relief from studying la.but judging from the response..or lack the lack of, i dun tink i wasted too many man/woman mintues. anyway i suppose tis is a week of gd news. its monday. n nuttin else. if im not wrong the smu girls finish this week?gd luck.
i juz ran 5+k n im already so so gonna die on starts at 530am btw.who's gonna wake up so early?
anyway i dun haf much to say.much of it was lost while waiting for this page to load.if it comes back i'll blog.the vid i promised seems to be quite impossible as it seems that its unappropriate for the www as it contains military activities.i've been warned they'd juz ask me to remove it if they eventyually do find out bout it.(tink i certain famous blogger who did the same). so no video.mabe some photos.
as i was working..delivering at supermarkets, particularly parkway giant, i saw ppl buying stuff.bbq stuff.memories aint it.we used to always go parkway to buy stuff for bbq.time to do tat again?
i guess tats all.
yimin sang at 10:29 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
hey guys how's it going?
friday man!!!TGIF rite? hmm i still got work tml n the girls still gotta study for their exams n for those who are so free everyday is a i guess its 'TG-another-day-has-passed'.haha
how the prep for stanchart going along?for those taking part i mean..rem to collect ur stuff this weekend.for me my prep is going on perfectly.lemme share a little:
every morning i gtg work at i make it a pt to wake up extra early n exercise before work.i figured that way i can start the day fresh n energised! first up is stretching n warming sure u all noe the importance of warming up so i shall not go into it. the moment i regain consciousness i stretch my arms n back n try to wriggle a little to loosen my muscles. now tat's very impt. aft this basic exercise i extend my hand further to stretch n reach for the alarm clock n snooze it. aft that i take a moment to relax n focus my mind.
morning exercises cant be short of running rite? therefore i always do some light running before work. aft i get up, i take a short walk to the bathroom. hey we gotta take it slow first rite? nx is more muscle intensive exercises involving my arms.squeezing the tube of toothpaste n brushing. now that we're all warmed up n ready to go, its time for some serious running. leaving my hse i'd take the stairs instead of the lift.seriously it helps..n it doesn reli matter which floor u live on.i live on the second floor n see how much it has helped me? on the way to to busstop i take my saves time so i can exercise more u see. upon sighting the bus making the turn towards the busstop, now tats the cue.from where i am, i start a dash towards the busstop, racing with the bus. its this kind of healthy competition that improves us tremendously. if u rem i'd be still eating my bread or cake or wadeva's the secret to the whole workout: try to finish eating while u run. i noe..sounds ridiculous rite? but it sure as hell works! u see..when u start to run u force ur body to work, thus it needs energy.where's that energy?the bread of cos! ure literally telling your stomach 'hey u i need to win that bus so u beta pump some energy in me now man ya noe!' this way your body will fill itself with energy n u'll be ready to run for ur life..let alone 42km.tsk.
i strongly recommend all u ppl doing stanchart to try has helped me alot n im sure it will do the same, if not better, for u. rem to follow as i described to every detail. if not u wunt feel the effects. many will struggle with the eating n running part(the secret of it all) but hey with practise im sure u'll be able to do it. juz rem..if u feel like throwing up ure doing it wrong.keep trying.soon u'll be doing the ironman.
that's all from me.take care n happy getting healthy!
P.S i cant seem to figure out how to upload videos n images can someone help?
yimin sang at 7:05 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Heys... here comes the 3"Y"s reporting "LIVE" from the ultra cool place in Singapore... doing the ultra "IN" thing of the year! haha... yess u are right! we are so busy mugging in the library for our final examsss and we are super bored! we juz came back from dinner! it was very fulfilling and jy feels very pampered by her subway cookies! and py had the delicious bacho mee with lots of abalone! and I had the duck riceee with lots of gravy!
haha... ohs... now u muz be thinking we ate so much muz be getting fatter! but fear not!!! before dinner... we went gym to run and get ourselves all ready for the coming stanchart! haha... the jy ran for 1 hour without stopping and only sweat a little so u can imagine how well she will run on the day itself! haha... py was not bad tooooo... keep on running v enthusiastically except that she had a little problem with the treadmill! haha... well as for me... im lousy and i juz keep running and walking! haha...
Yeaa... that's all from us todae! as u can see from the picture... there are soooo many pple muggin and we shld get back to study too! haha... exams will end soon and the girls will survive! :-D
-PJS - "Y"s
rmb to sign off! sang at 7:59 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
alrite, its my turn to spice up this blog a little! for some who have already know...i started a food blog to detail all my gastronomic adventures!!! the address is
if u wanna look for some nice food, feel free to read up my blog! i'm sure u will find something rewarding there! and if u know anything nice or interesting pls inform me!!!!
and now for some sneak preview!

Yummy!!! =D
soon sang at 9:41 PM
Friday, November 16, 2007
No more army.
No more job-hunting.
No more driving lessons.
No more spectacles.
No more contact lenses.
(thanks for the support of blogging after my post! at least i'm not mumbling to myself)
rmb to sign off! sang at 6:39 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
hey peeps,
had a sudden urge to blog so i shant waste it.. never know when i might have the urge again.
i agree v much with eugene.. at least to the parts that make sense.. ns isnt a waste of time. had many memories, learnt many stuff, did things i never imagined i'd do. discovered a whole new me. for those who dont noe, my life in ns should be e slackest of them all, cept for maybe soon heng. airforce. nuff said. but its certainly not e least rewarding.
ok info on my job, imma recruitment consultant at recruitexpress. loving it atm. hope i stay this way for the remaining 5+ months. why did i sign such a long contract for 6/hr and some measly commission? def not for money. for everything else actually, interaction with ppl, the ability to help ppl, the experience, the super large jobscope, the fact that i'll be meeting new ppl everyday, talking to new ppl everyday, the fact that im doing something that matters to someone, being very much alive.
wad i actually do at my job: find candidates (referrals,friends,internet,newspaper ads,walk-ins), interview candidates (to assess them in every possible way) gather orders from order holders (positions to be filled and the ppl that find them), match candidates to orders (taking into consideration everything: race gender age education experience residence availability expected salary etc.) , create a resume for the candidate (according to our standard format, including our remarks), send resume to client (company looking for employees), wait for response, arrange interview (send interview details, make sure they know how to get there, arrive on time, if not inform client or rearrange interview), if everything goes well, client offers job to candidate, i'll then arrange contract signing, prep contract sign contract. then make sure they turn up for work, know where to work, then data entry info of the contract client candidate. at any stage ANYthing can happen. i do this everyday for many candidates at the same time. lots of memory work there. details details! and i gotta be fast, orders come and go super fast, if i delay in any way my candidate wont get the job and ive wasted any prior effort. Those who came to my office would noe how fast things move in there, its madness.. but organised and controlled madness.. luv it man. am currently at 13 filled temps in 7 days.
man, i just sold a contract to chew, and he's earning $8.85/hr till 31Jan, teeshirt slippers laxjax. me? $6/hr till 31may, shirt tie high expectations. that jobs just spoils the market completely, most jobs go for $6-6.50 only (do e math, we need to eat too). lucky ass. thank goodness for pretty colleagues.
for those interested in looking for jobs? just send me a simple resume, doesnt have to be damn detailed. all i need to do is just ask u some questions over the phone and u'd be getting calls for any good job offers that drops, they dont stick. no need come down for interview. if u want visit me also can, we get a private room and tok cok. we're at orchard, ngee ann city btw. referrals appreciated.
Jobs avail: Admin,data entry,human resource,promoter,sales,customer service,telemarketer,recep,secretary,accounts,packer,warehousehands,etcetc.
(that rightly sums up my jobscope actually, minus the packer and warehouse part)
DISCLAIMER: for those picky ones, want good pay good experience good location wad not, dont bother or be prepared to wait for some time. i say look for it yourself. we're recruitEXPRESS (speed), not recruitDREAMJOB.
oh ya btw my name in RE (recruitexpress) is called ken. kian yong's out of the question and kian's apparently too chinesy. at least i get something that i might respond too. some other guy got jay when he's called julian cos there's another julian in e office, u can imagine the confusion.
so when u read the recruit section in ST or surf jobsDB or any other jobsearch engine and see ken, thats me.
man, cant wait for the As to finish, or long long uni break to start...matured candidates, pref females, are so much more fun to interview. anybody noe anyone? haha. sick of them Os looking for work.
guys: ord lo, pls dont rot at home. even i move on from WoW. someone pls get me to started with running pls. im so dead come 2 dec.
girls: happy studying, glhf! hope this has been entertaining. ljjy ftw!
Kian (aka ken)
rmb to sign off! sang at 8:16 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
i kinda agree with yimin.. i dont think there's much significance in having a CT and ACT already.
anyway, havent blogged here for a while. how's everyone? most of the guys have gotten their pink ICs already and i suppose many are working. i just finished my job at GE energy.. had some 1-day work assignment there. thought it would be some data entry or something but in the end it was some odd jobs here and there. like despatching stuffs to other firms and collecting items from them. sounds quite fun but if you are the only person doing all the stuffs it sounds like manual labour all over again. and writing 100-over xmas cards isnt very much a wanted working experience. feel so exploited ha.
so that's my 1st working experience lol.. my so-called proper job starts on mon! then i will be collagues with kian at recruit express.. think sherman talked about it the other time. many of my friends say it's stressful.. kian says it's fun.. now i dont know if this is the right kind of job for me but i'll just try it out yea. pay's not alot.. 6 bucks and hr, 8 bucks per commission. but according to kian the commissions only come in 3 mths later.. which kinda sucks. so guys if u have frens who need jobs.. can find kian or me hahaa
that's all for now. hope to see evreyone soon.. xmas party sounds fun.. :D
eugene sang at 10:12 PM
eh py..dun say until lidat leh..i bet u were too lazy to type a long one.heh
hi again.i hope u guys are not like 'oh nooo' haha. i just got back from work. i can start to see how monotonous life will be for me in the near from 7 to 7, get home dinner online for a while den forcing myself to slp for nx day's work.scary thought man.
im working at a place called Dove Industries (Pte). no its not the dove shower foam we use. its an SME importer/exporter dealing mainly with supply of automobile products n Dove brand products. man u wunt believe how much more supermarkets n hypermarts r charging u.haha
why do we need a post-grad CT n aCT rep?if its to organise gatherings n stuff it doesn reli matter anyway cos only those who are interested will turn up n those reli interested will bother organising.n since we always use the tan residence maybe sth else?n even if we reli wan those titles why muz it be jy and lj?is there sth going on?why cant it be me and lj?py why r u writing me off?im sure u noe lj n wad's he's like ;)
i heard exams are coming.oh yea not for me..HAHA
im sorry.gdluckhaffun!
yimin sang at 7:49 PM
anyway. random videos for your entertainment. they were shown by the marketing lecturer during lecture.
PY! sang at 12:02 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
exams are in 2 weeks time. and i'm not even in exam mood yet. and it doesn't help that i don't seem to care much this time round. very worrying indeed.
anyway. soon heng has given me a very important (and dangerous, and you'll soon realise why) task - to find post-graduation CT and ACT reps. having served us for a good 2 year or so, it's high time SH and SY pass the baton on to another worthy, enthusiastic and delightful pair.
that said, let's take a little strawpoll here. Potential candidates are:
a) JY and LJ
b) LJ and JY
c) Jiayan and Liang Jian
d) Liang Jian and Jiayan
e) all of the above
CAST YOU VOTES NOW!!!!disclaimer: trust me, this definitely did not come from only me. i've got partners in crime.
anyway, it's nice to know that the guys have ORD-ed. how time flies - it didn't seem too long ago when the girls watched all of you being shipped off to Tekong to get your heads shaved. well, like YM said, it must have been quite an experience, be it good or bad.
well, with so much time at hand (save the hardworking ones who've started work already), perhaps some of you can start planning the next class outing. soonheng has suggested a christmas party, and the word "party" is open to all forms of interpretation. use your imagination here guys. would anyone kindly volunteer to organise, or shall this be the virgin task for the new class reps?
suggestions? [this is a not so subtle appeal to everyone to reply to this post]
alright. i shall end here and refrain from challenging YM in terms of the length of post.
jy: i haven't been running AT ALL! in fact i havent been training much either, like once in 3 weeks. i'm pretty sure i'll not be able to jog through the whole 10k. ): howhowhow? can you sneak me into the SMU gym with you?
PY! sang at 11:42 PM
wususup guys!
ORD LOH..everyone's shouting tat recently.this catchy phrase has replaced greetings like 'gdmorning sir/sgt', killed off dull moments during ops n has even become the favourite thing to toast bout.shall we talk a little bout it? i guess many, in fact all of u guysngirls noe wad it means literally, but few, few! noe wad it truly means. Operationally Ready Date. its not merely leaving active NS or being released from the restrictions of sun-nite-book-in-to-wait-for-book-out-only-to-book-in-again-n-wait-for-book-out-again (tat's if ure a stay-in in the first place). to me its about people. people we meet, interact with, work with, depend on n eventually buddyrize.
alrite i invented a new sure all u smart asses out there understand wad tat means.
NS has been a real eye opener for me. mind blowing one(tats y im all brain juice,no matter). it has thrown me into the worst kinds of hardships i've ever endured with strangers. we did ridiculous things, meaningful things, dangerous things. n everytime its the person beside me pushing me on, not myself.i was in charge of pushing him. this odd cycle works somewhat like the 'invisible hand' in macroecon, n its working beautifully. yea sure i've complained bout NS, said tat its a complete waste of time, pulling me back for 2 years, shit pay etc.. but we all complain. we've complained bout tests n exams only to reminise school days when we're in army..stuff like tat. n im quite sure that i'd have more to lose if not for NS. take for example meeting all sorts of people n interacting with them, thereby knowing how to handle pr stuff. i tink tat's pretty impt, esp for me since i seem to be stepping on everyone's toes. or better still: running almost everyday in camp. if not for tat torturess sweat-wasting meaningless runs every now n den, i wouldnt have improved as a runner n even had e courage to sign up for stanchard marathon. even thou im in awful shape now, i'd consider it a major accomplishment in my life shd i manage to complete it( OMG its 42k..tats like the length of freaking s'pore im so gonna die wtf was i thinking!)
ok i tink im getting off my point now.i tink wad im trying to say is people often neglect the small things in life. national defence is a big thing in NS, i guess the small one is people.damn i duno how to say tis. relationships between people are the most crucial thing(imo) n NS is a platform to hone ur skills at that. is tat wad im saying?sth like tat. ur journey has not been a fruitless one my frens. its up to u to discover wad else u've learnt. its like unlocking a hidden ability in u.haha
right back to ORD. ORD LOH!!!(hey i may like ns but i like to ord more) no more outfield no more extras no more burnt weekends no more stay-ins no more this no more that!im not targetting the non-combatans n saying that they didnt reli go thru a REAL soldier's path(then again i may be saying tat) but hey, everyone has their own journey rite?im sure u enjoyed urs some way or another. n im sure stories will fly every time we meet up one reason or another, that is if i dun fall sick again. i got this ord video i might wana share. its made by 12mono for 12mono gds n its basically all the key events that we did.i'll try to upload it, after i figure out how n find out if i'll get charged if i post tat. also proud me wans to SHARE my proud pic, right after i figure out the scanner.
woa man this is looong.. i've also been thinking bout lasik for a while now. as always its been the money issue.but as my v clever fren pointed out, the earlier i get it done the lesser it'll cost over time. anyone has 2.4k to give/lend? i give good massages...
i suppose exams for the girls are coming soon eh?as always work hard study hard.(sounds weird coming from me haha) the prospect of going uni is scary to be honest.i dun see how i can read study materials again n do presentations. i tink i may need a tutor.any takers?girl preferred.i charge 50/h.
just went bangkok past week with ben chew n couple of our frens.had reasonable fun there. would haf been better if we weren't so broke.haha. my fren n i became damn smart there. we learnt how to haggle n slash prices n calculate exchange rate for every price tag we saw etc.. out of so many things, this im most proud of. we came to a conclusion that ENGLISH CORRUPTS!! YEA MAN IT DOES! lemme exp. ok picture tis. tuk-tuk (3wheel drive that's extremely not try!uve been warned!) comes along n befriends 5 innocent s'porean boys =). he offers a cheap ride but brings us to all the expensive places operated by his 'sponsors'--> CONMAN!! next. taxi drives comes agrees to use taxi meter. 2mins into the ride he exclaims tat the reasonable fare is 200bucks plus highway toll. upon rejection from the innocent ones his face darkens n looks as if he's gonna sell us away. for fear of our safety the innocent ones agreed to 200 n split toll.--> ANOTHER CONMAN!! No.3! another taxi.charge by meter. realising his soul is as pure as ours me n my fren decided to ask him bout taxi charge by meter to this other place we're planning to go. exhausted all our means of communication, which includes english, malay, sign language, broken english, singlish, hokkien n some swear words, he still didnt understand. he just carried out his trade as a taxi driver honestly. THEREFORE, WE CONCLUDE THAT ENGLISH CORRUPTS!
one more thing.we were at this pub area which also happens to be the red-light district in bangkok. while in the camp, my very clever fren, while observing the vibrant district, asked me 'eh do u tink this place will be like this if bangkok is not named bangkok?' i didnt have an answer.still hafnt. oh great one please enlighten us!
haha thanks for reading till the end.if u merely scrolled down go back up n read start again.DO NOT collect $200pay. rem..its on ur conscience.
alright im hungry.look forwards to the pic/video.i hope i dun chicken out.take care!
yimin sang at 7:23 PM
hey all! :)
together with sherman, i shall attempt the revieve the class blog :) haha felt quite inspired after reading sherman's long entry. yay nice sherman. so sherman u going for ur lasik soon? all the best! and i have no time to start my driving lessonssss helps. think i'll start some time in late dec or early jan next year. should i contact ur instructor now or wait till start of dec? if i book the test date now, when will it be?
anyway im having finance class now. haven been paying attention since week 1, which is quite worrying, cos exams starts in less than 2 weeks time :( some updates regarding smu: this week is the last week of school already. next week will be study break and the week after would be exams! sighs!! and i have 4 papers in 3 days. sad but true! but it also means that my exam, and thus semester, will end on the 28th! :) yays!
got my timetable for next semester alr. and i only have 3 day week! tue to thur. haha so i have super long weekend! anyway are u guys looking forward to uni life? haha i heard from some guys that they are rather dreadful of uni after seeing how stressful the girls are now. hahas seriously life is rather stressful n quite competitive. despite coming from hc, somehow i feel that a lot of people in school are super zhai and smart. but nevertheless, school is still fun la. hahahas
anyway, sherman kian and liang jian, are u guys coming so smu? matriculation is on this coming saturday for school of accountancy students. u guys coming for it? can start having student discounts once u all matriculate and probably can get discount for ur lasik treatment too :) update me whether u all coming this sat or not k!
haha i have no time to prepare to standchart!! py!! have u been running????!!! hahahas i'll attempt to gym n run this week! haha
to all the guys: please work hard n earn lots of money since u all ord alr. hahahs then give the class girls a treat k! haha thanks in advance! :):)
- jy
rmb to sign off! sang at 10:41 AM
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
How ironic that the first sentence of the last post is 'The class blog is finally coming to life!!' which was dated more than a month ago. (excluding the illusion post which i believe the sole reason why it was posted is the fact that.. she's one hot dancer!)
Speaking of hot stuff, I was at the Lasik Clinic (not the actual name) at Paragon a couple of days ago and the way the female staff dressed up, I thought I had entered a beauty salon where they do manicure, pedicure, hair-dying etc. Anyway, the staff there were all female except the surgeons. It wasnt much of their clothings (they all wore the same), but the accessories they wore, with lovely-painted fingernails or toenails, some with both. Perhaps it's one of their requirements during the job interview. The one with the most beautiful nails gets the job. Afterall, it's located at such a high-class place and image matters.
So anyway, I went for my lasik evaulation, reached at 12, left at 4. Did some eye tests, put some eye drops, read some magazines, drank some milo, ate some sweets, ogled at some girls. Yup, so for those who're interested in Lasik as well, be prepared for a long wait. But no worries! For guys, y'all can just open your eyes wide and look around. For ladies, maybe y'all can pick up a thing or two from the way the staff there decorate their nails? For any enquiries regarding lasik can ask our pioneer miss ng. She has been there, done that. I've only been there.
Are you guys geared up for the upcoming stand chart? I doubt it, with the girls busy with their exams and assignments and guys with their post-ord mood, trying desperately to find work. Those who are desperate for a job can contact Kian or Eugene. They're working at a recruitment agency in Taka now. Spread the love. As for me, I gotta save up some leg power to learn driving so I havent really put on those running shoes yet. (excuses!) So I guess I'll see some of you at stand chart!
And jy, my driving lessons are doing fine! Once you're ready to start learning just tell me and we can settle your driving!
Happy birthday soon!
rmb to sign off! sang at 6:43 PM