Wednesday, December 26, 2007
heys everyone! this is a little too late but merry xmas anyways!
yea now we are at sherman's house playing mahjong.. just 1 round. and it took us from 1230 all the way until 530am.. which is like 5 hrs. shiok right.. imagine how fast we all played mahjong.
special mention to py who has been dubbed the "kang" queen.. nv win more than 2 games out of 16 games (in 1 round) but managed to recoup her losses by all the kangs and all the minor minor stuff...
think im logging off here. we going to eat macs breakfast already.. bbye!
oh happy boxing day!
- from py, sherman, eugene and yuetchong
eugene sang at 5:24 AM
Thursday, December 06, 2007
things hafnt been going they say - huo bu dan xing
an unfortunate few days ago i went for a short run n got myself injured instead. at the start i was running a comfortable pace..taking in the sight n sounds of early downtown area. i saw a few frens, all of whom say high n expressed their utmost shock n disbelief that i was in fact running with them. then came the halfway mark when i started to cramp up n my feet started to hurt. my shoes had given way. now at home, im nursing a sore calf, swollen feet n wrecked shoes.hmm
then juz yest someone brutally attacked my eyes.YES both of them!now im suffering dryness n a red spot in the eye white.good thing i got eye drops.did i mention my glasses got wacked away too?sigh
some told me to look on the bright side of life.but i dun see how i can now.sigh. anyway shiyun i tink ur medal is in my car.jiayan didnt wan to take it n pass to yea.
oh yea shiyun i tink its ur medal tat's in my car. sherman n i passed it to jiayan to pass to u but she refuses to take it saying tat she wunt see u n even if she did she didnt wan can i sell it back to u?tenbucks?soonheng u wana pay 20?
hope u guys are having it beta than me out there.cya
yimin sang at 11:19 AM
Monday, December 03, 2007
how very efficient arent i? a photo of the people at the run yesterday, less the FULL marathon people. YM and Soon cleared the 42k. respect.

for those who did not cheat and scroll down to check the name. have you guessed who is this?! hahaha. (:
okay now i shall go hit the books. ):
PY! sang at 11:47 AM
Saturday, December 01, 2007
hey eugene here. sorry but dont think i will be heading down for stanchart tmr. my knee has been giving me problems since the start of the week.. cant even walk properly ha. so i guess i'll have to give this a miss so as not to aggravate my knee problems. and hope everyone has been training for stanchart.. esp mr sherman lim jie meng.
so all the best to everyone who are running their 10k, 21k and 42k! jiayou worr.. may the force be with you!
eugene sang at 6:31 PM