Thursday, February 28, 2008
booya!this is slowly, but surely, transforming into yimin's personal blog which is becoming unbecoming.. which is why i am typing this now to steal some blog space! i've been impersonated, vandalised, defamed and framed in this blog.. and i cannot take this lying downn!!!! ROARR!! CHIK CHIK! BANG! BANG! BOOOOMMMM!!! BANG! DIE!! ARGH!!
ah-hem.. so anyway, for those wondering (i wonder who wonders).. i'm still working at HP.. contract ends end april.. so i won't be leeching off society anytime soon like the useless bum below.. fancy leaving his keys in the lorry and locking himself out, its like dumping your oxygen tank deep into the lair of the great white sharks while scuba-diving.. nubcake.. i've been having rather relaxing albeit short weekends.. yet they're getting monotonous.. hmm i wonder if anyone feels the same as me.. perhaps life will be more meaningful when the guys enter uni ya? until then.... ahhhhhh!!!!peaceshermanP.S i dont sing..
rmb to sign off! sang at 1:32 PM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
im abt to be jobless soon..can someone get me a slack overpaid job?
today at work..i foolishly, stupidly locked myself out of the lorry..with the key inside the lorry.sigh..
i was still delivering, so no choice but to finish the job at hand den think bout the prob.finished merchandising..then i asked my partner wana eat first or settle the keys first.he said settle first if not eat also not an xin.
i duno why but i msged sherman bout it.bout the keys being locked inside.he laughed at me.then suggested breaking the window to get the key.breaking window = no pay tis month..=( but seems like no
of cos i didnt listen to sherman!!pls..everyone..NEVER listen to sherman.
we managed to get the lock open by picking it..not thru the key hole but by a special way nicholas cage(gone in 60secs) wuda been proud of ppl..rem..nx time the same thing happens dun call me..or the mechanics.the mechanics cost couple hundred bucks..but i cost less..depending who u are haha
been nice sharing.
p.s: jy if u ever see the brand hei mei on the shelves..dun buy.don'T!
yimin sang at 8:22 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Mr. Batam. Best in Batam, JB, and some say Singapore! Don't pray pray!
Liang Jian sang at 8:57 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
hey everyone. how's it coming so far?
have been bugged by sherman to post an entry here because he doesnt want to see his handsome photo appearing on the screen everytime he sees the class blog.. hurhur.
anyway i happened to see this short clip on youtube. just wanna share with everyone who's visiting this site.
anyway im jobless. got any good lobangs?
eugene sang at 11:18 AM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
hey all!
happy belated valentines day! :)
First of all, thank you yimin for inviting us over during chu san! if not our class wont have the chance to meet up during CNY this year since G tan is sick! yup! we shd always meet up during xin nian! im very sorry i couldn't make it for steamboat this year, very sad! i'll be there next year k! hahah so yimin you must invite us again! then we will remind xx to offer her service earlier. haha! below is the class pic at yimin's :)

ok it's quite mafan to upload pics on blogger, so for more pics (of the mahjong ppl and poker pple), can go my facebook to download k :)
yups next up, i would like to thank you all for the couple watches you all got for lj and i :) they are really nice and we both like them alot! yups special thanks to sy and heng heng for taking time off to choose the design. yup and we were v sad that one of the watches was spoilted when we opened up the box, so we quickly went to the shop just before CNY and lucky citychain was willing to change the set for us and we could wear them for the first time on chu san for you all to see :) thanks! i know this is kinda belated, but thanks for coming down to our birthday party as well! haha
and i shall end off my entry with a nice photo of a hunk that i spotted recently at the airport:

not bad right? (btw im not the person who took this pic, so i nv dui bu qi liang jian k! haha)
rmb to sign off! sang at 11:26 AM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
happy new year.
thanks to all who turned up.even if its for just a while.hope u guys had a gd dinner n had fun. my dad prepared angbaos for u all but he forgot to gif it out having juz woken up from his deep slumber.n thanks xx for offering to help clear up aft i've done everything.ure the only one to offer help.=p
cable ski was fun but i suck at lets skip.
i tink i've become the typical ahbeng.umkempt hair.old t-shirt n faded jeans n slippers..teh-ping is one hand steering wheel in the other.even my mom says i look like a sam-seng kia. juz need a cigarette n bright golden streaks to complete the look.but i muz say im helluva handsome ahbeng.haha
don't u tink so too?
yimin sang at 1:39 AM
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
hey guys!
we'll be visiting gtan on chu san for the FIFTH consecutive year!! we'll meet 1245 @ the bus-stop next to the caltex petrol station outside her house! I'll appreciate if those going can put their name in the tagboard!
thnks and cya guys there!! =D
soon sang at 4:47 PM