Friday, March 28, 2008
bOoYa! ^^ *smiles*
wHaT a bOrInGxXz fRidAyzX nIgHt!!^^ tEehEehEexZxx!! fInAlLy 1 mOrExZ wEeK iSh oVeR!! wheeee!!^^ *blinks* aNd tHe wEeKeNdxX iSh hErE aGaInxZx!! ^^ hMm.. cOnGrAtSxXx tO kX fOr hEr sUcCeSsFuLxZXz pErFoRmAnCe!! ^^ aNd eUgEnE lImxZx tSk tSk, wAd kInDa pResSiExZ is dAt? eUu jOlLy wElL kNoWxZ sHe wAnTeD a *mUaCk mUaCk* fRoM eUuxzX!! *grins*
yAyYyYxzxXzxZ!!^^ mAn U tOpS tHe lEagUe lExZx!! hEeHeE!! wOoHoO!! ^^ hMmHmM.. rEcEnTlY i mAnAgEdxZ tO fInD a sHoRt cLiP oF tHe hArMoC cOnCeRtxZxX dAt a fEw oF uS wErE iNvOlvEd iNxz hEehEexZx! rEmInDs mE oF tHe tImExZX wHeRebY lJ, sOoN, gIaN aNd i hAd tO bE tAuGhTzZ pRivAteLy bY oUr dEaR hArmOc pReSxzX cUz wE jOiNeD lAtE!! ^^ (eNd oF j1 tO bExZ eXaCtxCzx) aNy Of eUu gAlSxzX oUt dErExZx cAn tRyZx tEaChInG uS tOgEtHeRxZx wHahAha :P rEaLlY gOtTa tHaNx hEr fOr dAt *beams* mAnxZx.. jC wAs ji fUn tO tHe mAx wHeRe dy/dx=0.
sHo aNiWaYsxXz, hErE iShxZ tHe viDeOxZX fOr yOuR eNtErTaInMeNtxZxcz :**sTaRs** : lJ, bJ, gIaN, pEaRlYn, sHeRmAn
eNjOyxZX!!^^ *huggies*
sHeRmAn's kAwAii sIstEr ^^
rmb to sign off! sang at 10:29 PM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
i emphasise it's no ordinary apple. it's a bright red washington apple! to fit her bright red cheeks! and it's the right present for you! after all it's the thoughts that counts right.. (:
eugene sang at 9:00 PM
Hi!! Feeling really tired but happy..Concert was yesterday and it was quite a magical night for all performers. It wasn't a flawless concert but I think the imperfections added a touch of poignant beauty that touched the hearts of many more people.
It never really occurred to me (and the other EXCO members) that we are handing over soon. Although we have been looking forward to that for a long time, now that the day is approaching, it seems like we are not really looking forward to that day after all. It's all going to be over. Thankfully and not so thankfully.. it's probably an awareness that once our term ends, while this bond that we have established and created will persist, we will not be working so closely together in the future ( since many of us are going on exchange the coming semester). And I think this is the thing that I will miss most..
My sister is leaving for Japan the coming saturday..she is on EDB scholarship to study in Waseda University. In a few more days, I will not get to see her everyday..And I'm very sure I will miss her alot. After all, we have always been close. But I suppose, this is part and parcel of life.
Oh, I almost forgot. My cheapo and ultimate uncle Eugene Lim had the gall to give Geraldine (his ex), another former hcco friend who is now in nusco, and I the most unusual presents ever. Guess what? he gave geraldine a bunch of vegetables, he gave me a small and pathetic apple and he gave the other friend ONE broccoli!!! What kind of friend is he?!!! Good grief...
rmb to sign off! sang at 2:07 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Test your geog knowledge!
Liang Jian sang at 12:28 AM
Thursday, March 06, 2008

saw tis today.damn cute.managed to snap a couple pics at the traffic junction.haha
in the car whom i believe is the mom n 2 kids, a boy n a girl.i tink they were playing either gameboy or psp.lucky bastards.haha
i heard lj is going for a surgery tonight.on behalf of everyone with all our hearts we sincerely wish him all the best.n good luck.
on a lighter note, my birthday is coming!n in 2 weeks!21 is an exciting yr isnt excited..are u? to share my joy n spread the love, i've decided to declare 21st march a public make full use of tat day guys.enjoy
yimin sang at 7:20 PM