Wednesday, April 30, 2008

check out my new pic. shuai! not only is the hair on my head long, the hair on my body's growing longer too!
rmb to sign off! sang at 6:30 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
As mentioned below by Jia Yan, I shall SHE FORCED ME! I DONT WANNA DO IT! post pics of our Bali trip. And include short captions. NOOOOOOOOooooooooo... Oh and a short video too. Of these cunning musicians who ambushed us at this beach restaurant in Jimbaran. But first, here are the pics.

Big rocks at Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park
Time to organise a class outing?
"Padang padang beach" so prettyyyyyyyy.....
at Uluwatu". According to Professor Toh, 70m high!

Pura Luhur Uluwat (Temple at Uluwatu)

Ah Pui at Uluwatu

Sunset at Uluwatu

Beach restaurant at Jimbaran. All the chairs are placed facing the sea, and you can see plenty of stars above. Professor Toh was even educating me about the Orion belt! Zhen cong ming!

Damn cool right! Shuai dai le!

Ah lian... but still meinu! Ouch! Don't hit me!

Tickets at the arcade. We exchanged them for a cutesy pen. And two rolls of cutesy scotch tape. Imagine the tatooed Ah Lian using them.

Rice fields

Volcano. Name = Mt Batur

Photoshoot in the middle of our white water rafting. "At the waterfall", clarifies Professor Toh.
Back to the story about the beach restaurant in Jimbaran. There we were, happily enjoying the breeze and the view, when they suddenly crept up on us and sprang a surprise attack! Before we knew it, they were playing the song "Hero" right in front of us. This is how the pre-song conversation went:
Us: "Look at the pretty stars!"
Us: "So pretty!"
Us: "Ooooooo"
Us: "Woots woots!"
Cunning Musicians (CM): "WHEEEEEE!"
Us: "What the ...!"
CM: "Hi, where are you from?" *Evil grin*
Us: "Singap..."
CM: "How about we play you a song?
CM: "Romantic song yeah? Ok how about Hero, its a nice song"
Us: "But ... wahhh?"
CM: "Ahem"
CM: "Would you dance, if I asked you to danceeeeeeeee"
Us: "Oh boy ..."
CM: "Would you run, and never look backkkkkkkkkk"
Us: "Ahhh, what the hell"
CM: "lalalalallalalalalala"
- song continues -
CM: "You can take my breath awayyyyyyyyy"
- song ends -
Us: *Clap clap clap*
CM: "Would you like one more song?" *Even bigger evil grin*
Us: "Ahaha no no its ok thanks"
CM: *Thinking to themselves: Oh man. Can't continue to con the suckers*
CM: "Ahem. Heh heh."
CM: "Would you like to show your appreciation ... ?"
*Whips out his hat and flips it over to use as a bowl*
Us: *Thinking to ourselves: Knew it!*
Enjoy the video!
Liang Jian sang at 9:35 PM
Friday, April 25, 2008
hey all!!
long time since i last blogged on the class blog! haha even thou i been been constantly spying at the class blog! and special thanks to yimin who has been actively maintaining the blog! haha (: we all appreciate that~ thanks!
anyway! exams have officially ended for sy n i! (: yays! and all the best to the nus girls too! hopefully our trip down to nus yesterday has brought u girls luck! haha jiayou and all the best! (:
okies some updates abt myself! liang jian and i went bali immediately after my last paper last thur! (: but im too lazy to blog about the trip! haha and liang jian has gladly volunteered to post up the pics and write about the trip. During the trip he was saying things like "wah we should take a pic of this and put it up on the class blog" haha aint u all touched by his sincerity? (: haha so stay tuned!
and this week is my only week of holiday! as internship is starting next week and i'll be doing audit in PwC for 3 full months. rather depressing. haha sy will be flying off to china next monday for her intern at china too! kx!! i heard from py u are going exchange next sem to ucla. update us abt it ya? (:
okies, below 2 pics from ytd's outing!

love, jy
rmb to sign off! sang at 1:10 PM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
tis topic came up during a mahjong session damn long ago.
u guys interested in a horror movie marathon?we cud watch/rewatch the scariest shows to date, thru e night, over drinks chips n nuggets.
i guess everyone is busy with exams.
im so glad i dun haf exams.
p.s: why are u reading tis YOU SHD BE STUDYING!!!
yimin sang at 7:11 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
for your entertainment.
PY! sang at 4:36 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
eh why no one blog one?our blog is so chui until even sherman's sister hasta blog..thou i dun rem sherman ever telling us he got sister..or tat she's kawaiiii
everyday its juz check the blog for some update but i checked the date n woa..its only less than 10 days since previous come it seems like forever.i tink im checking the blog too often.

heres a fun pic.of me.i was forced to take to
send to PADI at NSW for the open water n adv cert.
cost me a bomb but it was well worth it.looks like a
prison shot of me aft being arrested for taking
drugs.can tell im still high.hahhaha
go ahead.laugh ur asses off.hope u cant shit.hahahahah
yimin sang at 10:05 PM
Thursday, April 03, 2008
To "sherman's kawaii sister" - if there is a day when I want a kiss from eugene, it will come after the end of the world. Please...make more sense!!
Anyways, it's approaching a week since my sis left for Japan. Lucky for her, it's the season of cherry blossoms.. May this pretty picture brighten up your day! :)

rmb to sign off! sang at 1:40 PM