Wednesday, May 28, 2008
hey, just got back from Brunei yesterday from the AUN Educational Forum and Youth Speakers' Contest 2008! I came in 2nd at the Youth Speakers' Contest!! Haha...unbelievable, isn't it?'s the experience? How should I describe it? It's totally fantastic and enjoyable. Totally missing everyone of the delegates, especially those in my clique. We just got on so well we will lepak at my and my roommate (another rep from NUS)'s room every night and every evening before dinner on the last few days till the wee hours and we just really enjoyed each others' company.
Generally, got on really well with the Thais, the Bruneians and the Filippinos. Really enjoyable. So much so that I and everyone else are in depression now..On the last day, we said a few rounds of good byes and no one wanted to leave for the airport or our respective activities before our flights and when we met some of the others at the mall, we were soo happy. We just ran towards each other, hugged and kissed each other in public!! We had to hold back tears too.
Don't really know how to describe. Just that the experience has been totally magical and fun. How I wish I could do everything all over again..Oh, let me describe the contest. It was brutal. There were 2 rounds of competition. In the first round, we had the topic about 1 month ago and so we had lots of time to prepare for them. We were all 'quarantined' in a room, separate from all other participants and we went in individually to give our 10-min speech. Then, 6 finalists were announced. Two days later was the 2nd round. For the 2nd round, we were only given the question about 1.5 hrs before we were supposed to speak. The 1.5hours includes travelling to and fro from the library to the university's Senate room (which took about 10 minutes each time). So we only had 1 hour to prepare, and without any internet access. Then, we were quarantined again and we were called to give our 5-min speech individually . After that, we had to answer a question on the spot. Quite nerve-racking. I was quite surprised when the other participants told me that I am a good speaker..maybe i have some hidden talent. haha..apparently i was very fiery..haha:)
I will let the photos tell the story..will fill you guys in when i meet you all. Must remind me to tell you all about this particular Filippino participant that is totally hated by most other participants except some of the guys cos she's pretty. She's so...urgh..tell you guys another time.

So what's the details about the supposed gathering on 4 June? Can someone pls update me?
rmb to sign off! sang at 8:42 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

hey all,
here's the 3 of us at sentosa! we crashed the junior class' outing last sun! it was fun to be at the beach once again, enjoying the sun and sand and the sea! really reminded us of the times when we visited sunset bay when we were in JC. time flies very fast.. now the guys are preparing for their uni and the girls are halfway thru.. it's kind hard to even meet up these days..
for those who are still reading this blog and are still in singapore, pls keep your 4 June free! there will most most most likely to be a class dinner! a good way to keep up with old times :D
eugene sang at 10:49 PM
booya! =)i did not realise that my tag will be such a controversial topic -_-" hahaha am i observant or what! the blog's so stagnant that i can see mosquitos flying above it trying to find a suitable and comfortable position to lay their off springs.. like what jy said, can we get people who havent blogged in ages to keep the blog alive plssss! and randomly, dont you guys think that Europe is such a lovely place to go to on a holiday? maybe i shall go tomorrow! time to book some air tix!okay, after so much bull***t as mentioned above, all i wanna say is the sentence formed by the 1st word of each line in the above paragraph. (it probably doesnt make sense if your font/display settings is different from the laptop that i'm using now) for the benefit of those, i'd say it again.. lj, py, kenneth and i will be flying off to london tml =) after london we will be touring europe as well.. sadly we will miss 64's bday! we will return on the 12th of june! ta-ta!
rmb to sign off! sang at 3:28 PM
Thursday, May 01, 2008
taking a short break from exam preparations...yep yep, I'll be going to UCLA on exchange next semester. Assuming nothing goes wrong with module mapping. haven't made any concrete plans with the other NUS students going yet cos we were just notified and we have been busy with exam preparations. But we will probably leave only in early September cos their term starts in mid september. Quite excited:) Will inform the
'necessary' people once I have more information..haha.
By the way, I will be going to Brunei in late May to attend an ASEAN forum for students...Just wanted to get some input from everyone regarding ASEAN: 1) What does ASEAN mean to you? 2) Do you think it is beneficial to be a member of ASEAN? Why and Why not? No pressures..but if you are free and you are interested to help me, just email me at Will incorporate everything into a speech that I have to make at the forum. So, will greatly appreciate any inputs. Thanks:)
Can't wait for exams to end...then I can end my life in this isolated bubble that I seem to have been living for the entire semester. least it feels like that..since everything is out of the window except studies and CO. To the girls, thank you for accommodating this wierd friend. Can't wait to meet up with everyone after the exams!
Take care!
rmb to sign off! sang at 9:17 PM